X69 Cabrio

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With the help of our CG Iceduke, X69 enjoy some DIY maintainance

1. Vacuum Pump O Ring replacement
2. Charcoal Filter
3. Back plate
4. Ignition coils (no faults or problem but since I got myself the new coils my as well change it since engine is open) selling my old coils RM35 each only!
5. spark plugs tube o -ring

Many thanks for iceduke to work on my car for almost 7 hours, it should be faster if not because we dropped a screwdriver :p





Very happy to see my engine is healthy and clean

A new Honda Accord kissed me on Thursday, bumper and fender need to be repaired and repaint as now tire will rub on fender ... :-( The 21 years old European driver is driving with an expired P license, but am OK as agreed to pay for the damage. Lost of time and cant drive my car for tomorrow drive
Ouch....little things do hurt... At least u're ok. M sure she'll be as good as new...

Still testing, impressed that we can see the engine life data in the video
My baby when crazy after the repairs from the accident.

1st rollover warning light and airbag plus rear red light + gauge warning light for rear red light is on.. after restart the car sometimes they are gone.
2nd day (today) my instrument gauge light is dim and highlight indicator too.

Plugged in to INPA and BMW Scanner and saw many errors especially DME communications this la that la.. Try clear all errors and reset instrumental gauge... worse gearbox warning light is on! INPA said due to rear brake light is on DSC/ASC is disengaged and gearbox run on protective mode.

I have not horn, no steering lights, cant control the radio, radio can be on without key in ignition.. radio wont go off after engine is switched off and key remove...

BMW Scanner show Terminal R not active
This is it http://tis.spaghetticoder.org/s/view.pl?1/11/85/06

Further search found


I google and saw many point to ignition switch failure..

Anyone can help?

Sakit hati la
I supposed u should be happy after the repair but unluckily something else turns out...i have no idea what is happening but lets hope its just a minor glitch to solve...sorry to hear that bro anaksarawak..

:rock:You have a stunning ride.....
JFT63;782404 said:
I supposed u should be happy after the repair but unluckily something else turns out...i have no idea what is happening but lets hope its just a minor glitch to solve...sorry to hear that bro anaksarawak..

:rock:You have a stunning ride.....

Thanks bro, I have tried to remove the batt and reconnect after 10 minutes. Its still the same :-( I hope its caused by some loose wire

Thanks for your compliments :)
Bro anaksarawak, that sounds like all the communication bus gone haywire (IBUS and can bus). Could be the battery is weak?

Check the ECU box if all connections are intact. What else could they have touch while working on your car?
aidilj;782415 said:
Bro anaksarawak, that sounds like all the communication bus gone haywire (IBUS and can bus). Could be the battery is weak?

Check the ECU box if all connections are intact. What else could they have touch while working on your car?

Thanks for your reply bro, they told me they didnt take out anything just knock the fender. However the paint show owner said it might be some wire got loose when they knock.

So sakit hati now.. I wonder where is comm bus located?

Funny thing is my rear brake light is on when I switch the key to on position. Haiyo
All relays and fuses r ok, but no power to top row of fuse. Brake switch not faulty... Sakit
Sorry to hear about your unfortunate incident bro.

Seems like some connectors [bus etc] may have gone loose... hopefully. Do also check your battery [health] and connectors...

Hope she gets well soon :)
BlackCat;782554 said:
Sorry to hear about your unfortunate incident bro.

Seems like some connectors [bus etc] may have gone loose... hopefully. Do also check your battery [health] and connectors...

Hope she gets well soon :)

So sakit hati now, do you know any workshop can help my baby?

See Radio, Cluster, CD Changer and steering are connected via BMW iBUS... Somehow there a fault in my car
anaksarawak;782633 said:
See Radio, Cluster, CD Changer and steering are connected via BMW iBUS... Somehow there a fault in my car

Yes, you seems to be experiencing IBUS problem. Check the IBUS wire at any of the component to see if it is normally high (12V), the bus is pulled high by one of the component and driven low in a data transmission.
aidilj;782645 said:
Yes, you seems to be experiencing IBUS problem. Check the IBUS wire at any of the component to see if it is normally high (12V), the bus is pulled high by one of the component and driven low in a data transmission.

Bro, that's a video I found after few hours of research. Learning and hope to solve my problem soon
More infor but my car is still down....

Functional description of bus systems

The bus system is a group signal line system on which the exchange of data or messages takes place. A bus makes it possible to connect a central module (master) with a large number of independent control units. All units are connected in parallel to the bus line.

The diagnosis bus(D-bus, TXD link) transmits data between the DIS and a control unit. The control unit to be subject to diagnosis is selected by sending a diagnosis telegram to the control unit address. In this way, on request of the tester, the control unit can convey status information and the contents of the fault code memory or activate a control unit output.

The data flow of the indicator instruments and audio system mainly takes place via the instrumentation bus (I-bus) . For instance, the data for the check control module, on-board computer, IKE display, multi-information display, navigation, radio and the telephone are transmitted on this bus.

The body bus (K-bus) is responsible for the data exchange of telegrams that are required throughout the system. For instance, the ZKE and the IHK are connected to the K-bus. The K-bus is technically identical to the I-bus.

The general module is the central module of the peripherals bus (P-bus) . Peripheral modules interconnected by means of the P-bus are installed in locations where the scope of wiring is particularly extensive, e.g. doors. The functions of the ZKE (power windows, central locking, etc.) are controlled via the P-bus. The data are sent from the ZKE via the P-bus to the corresponding peripheral module from which the individual components are activated.

The IHK stepper motors are controlled via the motor bus (M-bus) . The IHK sends telegrams that activate the stepper motor with the corresponding address.

Addressing conditions of control units

In principle, all control units in the vehicle can be addressed via the diagnosis function when the ignition is switched on.

The busses are capable of exchanging information among each other via the IKE control unit (instrument cluster electronics) . It contains the electronic control for the entire signal conditioning function and calculating the data from the instrument cluster and on-board computer. The IKE is the bus master for the I-bus/K-bus. It serves as a gateway for the D-bus that converts the telegram format of the I/K-bus to the format of the D-bus. It transmits and receives data from all modules and control units connected to the IKE via the bus systems. If, for example, the independent park ventilation function is activated at the MID, this telegram must be routed via the I-bus, IKE and K-bus to the IHK that then carries out the corresponding function. In this case, only data are allowed to pass through that, according to the address, are designated for the other bus.

The Body Bus (K-Bus)

The body bus (K-bus) in the E38 is, in the same way as the diagnosis bus (D-bus), the instrumentation bus (I-bus) and the peripheral bus (P-bus), a serial data link between control units.

The connected control units exchange information via the K-bus, e.g. sensor values or lamp status.

Design and function of the K-bus

The following control units can be connected to the K-bus:

•FBZV: External radio remote control for central locking system

•GM 3: General module of ZKE3

•IHKA/IHKR: Automatic climate control

•IKE: Instrument cluster electronics

•LWR: headlight vertical aim control

•FGB: Rear compartment blower

•AIC: Automatic interval control

•EWS: Electronic vehicle immobilization, as of 09/96 on K-bus.

Identification features of K-bus control units

The automatic heating/air conditioning control system (IHKA) can be recognized by separate operation of the air distribution on the driver/passenger side whereas the air distribution in the heating/air conditioning control system (IHKR) is adjusted by a central control wheel. In the heating and air conditioning control system (IHKR), the air distribution is adjusted by means of a central control wheel.

The automatic headlight vertical aim control (LWR) is installed only in conjunction with xenon headlights. In contrast to the manual headlight vertical aim control system, it features no control for vertical adjustment of the headlights.

The external radio remote control for the central locking systems (FBZV) is installed as a separate control unit only up to 9/95. As of 9/95, the radio remote control feature is integrated in the general module.

Function of the K-bus

The functional principle of the K-bus is comparable to that of a telephone conference circuit. All participants are interconnected via the K-bus. Every participant can both receive as well as transmit messages via the K-bus.

The K-bus is designed as a single-wire bus system, i.e. the K-bus is a wire system which is used to transmit and receive messages.

The high data transfer rate on the K-bus (approx. 10,000 bit/sec) enables distribution of messages between the control units virtually without delay.

Diagnosis with K-bus control units

DIS diagnosis telegrams are sent to the electronic instrument cluster via the diagnosis bus (D-bus). From the electronic instrument cluster (IKE) the diagnosis telegrams are routed to K-bus control units. The response telegrams of the K-bus control units are sent back also via the IKE to the DIS.
More infor

[h=1]2004 BMW 330i E46 No start No Communication[/h]Posted in: BMW, Engine Electrical, Featured

2004 BMW 330i E46 No start No Communication
I received a call from a friend early in the week about a no start, no communication issue he was having. The offending vehicle was a 2004 BMW 330i. He stated the vehicle would start and run fine cold. Once it reached operating temperature, the temp gauge would go to hot and it would no start, (no crank condition). I informed him that when the instrument cluster loses comminucation to the DME the temp gauge defaults to full hot. As it gets it temperature information via the CAN-bus from the DME. Another good way to check if an ECM from almost any manufacturer is online is the MIL. In this case it was not.
The MIL is regulated to be on when the key is on and engine is off.

I pointed him in the correct direction and he was off to perform some tests. Once he got back to me everything was pointing at a faulty DME. Even though he is an experienced BMW mechanic he was second guessing himself. Asking me if I really thought he was on the right course. Reviewing his tests with me over and over again. He had that feeling in the pit of your stomach, the one you get right before you tell your boss the vehicle needs a $1000 part.. not including the labor to install or program.
Two days later my phone rang the caller ID showed it was the shop with the 330i. He had bad news, (as he put it).
I put in the new DME, it still won’t communicate with my scan tool and now it NEVER starts.
We spoke a few minutes more and I decided I had to get up there and look at the car myself. If you recall the original problem was the vehicle would start cold and stall once hot with no restart. Things are worse with the new DME.
The next night I drove north to Concord, NH to see what was going on with this 330i.
A short revealed the DME was now communicating. I always try with the factory scan tool, then with a generic OBD II scan tool.

One step further revealed a list of faults pointing to the DME.

When diagnosing bus faults it is important to identify the communication status of each module on the bus. A bus-system wiring diagram may be needed to verify all the modules involved.
The next step is to review fault codes stored, (if any) in each module. You want to write them down and see which module is being reported as not communicating by the most modules.
I now had my plan of attack and it was time to open up the diagnostic case. I hooked my pc-based scope. I am currently using the ATS limited. It is a small, powerful, 4 channel pc-based scope.

I gained access to the DME, which was easy as it was just replaced.

While attempting communication I would monitor the K-bus. The signal that was present was acceptable.

Moving to the CAN-bus next to confirm the signal there was acceptable. It was.

The CAN-bus does look quiet here. That is because during koeo all you will see is status messages. If the DME was online it would be much busier.
My tests confirm our earlier diagnosis via the telephone. I advised the shop to get another new DME. They were a bit worried because this was a new unit from BMW. I asked them to notify me when the new part would arrive.
I was back in the shop two days later, here is what I saw.
New DME installed, (not yet programmed).
Temperature gauge is is correct position. Indicating DME is online.

K-bus with DME online

CAN-bus with DME online. Much more traffic.

The second new DME fixed the problem.

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