Wlj 8**9

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Club Guest
Dec 11, 2004
During my drive back north, upon entering the Jelapang toll, I spotted a E39 with HID at my rear. It was silver with M front bumper. Didnt think much of it so just drop continued driving. Exited the tunnel, as we were going downwards, the guy starts to tailgait. We were doing bout 100kmh going downhill. He was so close I couldnt see his headlight. I'm like 'WTF?! Whats the rush?!' So I floor it, and he doesnt keep up. I mean....come on....in the first place, it's not nice to tailgait. Don't you know it's dangerous???? And on a winding road somemore. Don't come and bully an old 13 year old junk lah.... Really give E39 drivers a bad name
Everybody likes to drive fast, but we need to exercise caution and be considerate to other road users. If I had slammed my brakes, I dont think he would have time to brake in time. In the end waste more time. After awhile, I just slowed down and let him continue his drive on for awhile before I picked up speed.
slam on the brakes as when he see's the RED lights ...he will start thinking thrice to come closer to you ....
We're driving our family, and our family's safety is more important than giving lesson to these kind of people, dont you agree? He might be more provoked by my sudden braking too..
dude ..since you're educated ..then what's the problem posting here larrr ...moreover
what if the person is also a BMWCM member ... then how ?? are you gonna greet him for his act ...

well dude i'm just pointing out my view , if you think that he was just too close to your rear ... that all ....

happy drivin ...
I'll let him pass....

but the temptation of Flooring the brakes and then change to 3rd then speed up back is one hard action to resist!
"Big people don't count with little people.." :D

If people cucuk me, I put signal and let them pass lor....
... then I cucuk them balik.. :D (just kidding la :D)

or u can switch on ur rear fog light... they sure saki mata for trailing too close wan.. If they counter by hi-beam, I will put on my manual anti glare rear view mirror.. for my other cars, I would even fold my wind mirrors.. :D
were you driving on the wright lane which can obstruct cars overtaking you? If you were on the left lane there is no reason for him to cucuk u. Maybe he wants to admire how nice your ride is from near.
I find that generally doing a toe and heel with a light tap on the brake pedal so that the brake lights come on is enough to produce a sudden screeching sound of the behind feller's brakes locking... :thefinger:
Just make sure he's not close enough or he has time to brake..if not big hassle!!..just for the sake os cucuking and getting cucuked...hehehehehe
ICEMAN.....no offense, ok? Not putting you or your suggetion down in anyway. It's all right if the owner is here, just want to let him know that what he did wasnt nice and to let other forummers be careful.
bluephanther....i was driving in the fast lane. and there were cars in front. When the road cleared, i floored it....but he didnt keep up

Anyway......I didnt mean to offend anybody. Just saying that we should all be considerate drivers...especially when we meet a fellow UDM driver...heheh
just let him pass lah.....
some ppl have the habit of tailgating....just like male dogs going for b*t*hs during heat kah kah....sorreee ah just joking....

However i do agree with snchin it wasnt nice yet dangerous. For me, i will just drive as usual at normal speed ignoring the car behind (provided i am not blocking anyone).
if the car behind you want's to go faster than you on the right lane, let him pass...

if not, your action is deemed 'Road Hogging'

when i m on the highway, practically everyday, at speeds of 180km/h... even merc's overtake me... i just move over...

no problem or personal that he want's to go faster than you ....
snchin, must be the air splitter on your rear bumper... I get poked all the time too, typically on Jelutong Expressway heading towards George Town... by all sorts of cars, especially Vioses and Avanzas, even when I'm minding my own business on the slower lanes with no traffic on fast lane.
just my opinion dont get angry, when a complain of the expressway occur e complainee always claim pp tailgate them, very dangerous, rushing to funeral or impatient to die / hell but 1 thing for sure complainee blocking expressway outer lane (fast Lane) Mr.Sammy has said mutiple times "to those who wana drive slow, stay inside " aiya small onli!!!!heheheeheeheh, be happy!!
well...i would gladly move to the slow lane, if i could....there were other cars there mah....and i couldnt go faster cause got slower car in front of me. and when road clear, i floor it loh....but he didnt follow suit mah...
pussy;276684 said:
if the car behind you want's to go faster than you on the right lane, let him pass...

if not, your action is deemed 'Road Hogging'

when i m on the highway, practically everyday, at speeds of 180km/h... even merc's overtake me... i just move over...

no problem or personal that he want's to go faster than you ....

You're right bro - its not about racing on the highways, its only about driving fast! So someone behind you - just let them go.... everyone's happy!
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