water temperature gauge

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Jan 2, 2007
dear sifu, one of my friend bought an E36 328i recently and noticed that the water temperature gauge is slgihtly ~1mm above the middle of temperature gauge. is it consider normal or something to check about? thanks
i dont know, but its any help, our 318 is the same, ever so slightly over the middle.... we watch it carefully, but so far its ok.ours has recentrly had new radiator/waterpump/hoses/thermostat and flushed with fresh coolent............ could be a slight calibration error in the meter maybe?
bro, how often you have to top up iour radiator. my temp gauge also shows the same slightly above the centre line, tapi gua kena top up every week..lu org experiance sama tak...
just bought the car, going to change the collant this weekend and monitor it closely..
btw, how much of water u have to top up every week? better u send it for pressure check to see any leak..
Not to worry if the meter is slightly over the middle mark. You start to worry when it goes to 3/4 mark often.

Normally, you do not need to top up water every week. if you need to, then there is a leak some where in your cooling system.

Usually the culprit is:-
1. expansion tank
2. rubber hoses - depending on your model - 4 to 6 hoses.
3. temperature sensor seal
4. radiator
5. air-con heater valve
6. radiator cover cap
7. thermostat
8. water pump

btw, pressure test for the radiator does not always detect the leak. I usually fill the radiator to the maximum and warm up the engine for about 5 minutes. Then I rev the engine to high speed and check for water droplets.
bmw temp needle should be rock steady, should not fluctuate & water also needs NO topping.

if no visible water leaks, WCS - hairline cracks in cylinder head... gd luck
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