Wanna know about E36 318

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Originally posted by fabianyee@Mar 23 2005, 06:39 PM
roadtax for 1.8 - 300+
roadtax for 2.5 - 800+
roadtax for 2.8 - 1500+

insurance depends on amount insured and NCD...
Hmmm, Black, now you know why I got the 325i instead of 328i... I cannot justify spending that extra RM700+ for the extra 300 cc to get the 328i. :D

** 328i kakis, don't flame me... that is just my opinion and all that I can afford. :ph34r:
Originally posted by ICEMAN 13@Mar 22 2005, 05:24 AM
looking into the market these days, it's much more affordable getting a 325 or 328, but after serious consideration ,you may opt to either a high millage car or a car that would had been into 3 to 4 hands already. Knowing that it's already been into 3 to 4 hands before , you may end up breaking up ya wallet if ya are not carefull into it.
NOTE : mint condition 6 potters are hard to find as these previous owner may have trashed the car kow kow !!

As for 318 you still maybe able to opt a lower millage car and also look into a conservative way to save further towards ya maintainance , road tax and fuel.....

ONE ADVISE :- it's better to HUNT and view as many cars as possible before signing up the HP.
And also get a reliable friend or a mechanic to get it checked ......

woi who says a 4 potter can't FLY !!
Black... kalu you ultimately settle for the 318 and wanna squeeze extra power lagi from the 4-potter, tanyalah kita punya Flying Singh (Iceman13). Then your 318 also can "terbang" like his, tapi firstly you mesti ada balls made of titanium like his. (hehehehehe)
Black...if you so worry about road tax, fuel comsumption, maintenance and bla bla bla..go for E36 318i. For BMW entry level yes! E36 318i had more than sufficient power for you to play. Remember it's not about the car..it's about the driver. :D

If you demand for power and fun go for E30..u can save 20-30 k for MOD. Many many of experience GURUs here will advise and guide you to there.

Cheers..hope this will help.
Brudder Black,

Tengok budget dulu lah, kalau budget mengizinkan, baik beli 325/328 , kalau u nak power. Tapi kalau power tu tak penting sangat, rupe je yang u nak, go for 318i ler. Sparepart, minyak,roadtax semua tuh murah kalau nak dibandingkan dengan 325/328.

Kalau boleh , go for newer models of 318, yg tahun 1996-1998. Injin model model tu baru sikit, lain ngan yg 92-94 (cam yg aku punye, haprak). hehe.

U senang, datang le join TT kiteorang, boleh nengok kete kete yg member bawak. Tapi i bagi warning dulu lah, time u tengok kete diaorang, u tak nak dah beli 318i. HEheheheh..
Packcik Black,

let me ask point blank, how much do you intend to spend on running and maintaining the car per month?

jangan marah kalau saya nak tanya direct, berapa bujet Black untuk kereta ni setiap bulan? dari situ bolehah pilih model yang mana satu mengikut bujet. Jangan lupa, beli kereta BMW ni senang, menten tu yang susah kalau conditionnya tak cantik.

Kalau beli model yang lama sikit, harganya murah sikit, tapi banyak yang kena repair nanti, sama nahasnya.

Lagi satu, Black banyak pakai kereta tak? Kira-kira satu bulan tu berapa km? kalau tinggi penggunaan tu, kena bujet banyak sikit untuk minyak. Umpamanya, RM600-700 sebulan hanya untuk minyak memang tak asing lagi... lebih kurang 20 sen sekilometer untuk 325, 328. Untuk 318, kurang sikit.

bmw tu memang Banyak Makan Wang... masuk worksyop aje, kurang-kurang pun seribu lebih. Kalau kereta tu kurang cantik sikit, bujet sekitar 10 ribu untuk repair sebelum yang lain2.

cuma nak bela kereta ni aja, bujet 1000-2000 sebulan purata, termasuk roadtax, insurance, petrol, baikpulih, dan sebagainya.

ada seorang member, flash, dalam masa 65 hari, untuk servis saja dah pakai RM 4,812/-. Rujuk Kos Servis Di Sini

Dan Sini Untuk Kos e36 Secara Am

bila kereta tu dah cantik selepas dijaga betul2, kosnya akan turun; kurang masuk woksyop sikit...

guys, please share your cost of running the 318 with black...
Originally posted by Lee36328@Apr 10 2005, 10:11 AM
Packcik Black,

let me ask point blank, how much do you intend to spend on running and maintaining the car per month?

jangan marah kalau saya nak tanya direct, berapa bujet Black untuk kereta ni setiap bulan? dari situ bolehah pilih model yang mana satu mengikut bujet. Jangan lupa, beli kereta BMW ni senang, menten tu yang susah kalau conditionnya tak cantik.

Kalau beli model yang lama sikit, harganya murah sikit, tapi banyak yang kena repair nanti, sama nahasnya.

Lagi satu, Black banyak pakai kereta tak? Kira-kira satu bulan tu berapa km? kalau tinggi penggunaan tu, kena bujet banyak sikit untuk minyak. Umpamanya, RM600-700 sebulan hanya untuk minyak memang tak asing lagi... lebih kurang 20 sen sekilometer untuk 325, 328. Untuk 318, kurang sikit.

bmw tu memang Banyak Makan Wang... masuk worksyop aje, kurang-kurang pun seribu lebih. Kalau kereta tu kurang cantik sikit, bujet sekitar 10 ribu untuk repair sebelum yang lain2.

cuma nak bela kereta ni aja, bujet 1000-2000 sebulan purata, termasuk roadtax, insurance, petrol, baikpulih, dan sebagainya.

ada seorang member, flash, dalam masa 65 hari, untuk servis saja dah pakai RM 4,812/-. Rujuk Kos Servis Di Sini

Dan Sini Untuk Kos e36 Secara Am

bila kereta tu dah cantik selepas dijaga betul2, kosnya akan turun; kurang masuk woksyop sikit...

guys, please share your cost of running the 318 with black...
Update on my repairs and maintenance... have yet to update in the R&M thread though... from the day I bought my babe in Oct 2004 to today, I have already spent close to RM8k! :(

Poket sudah masuk ICU liao. :blink:
Originally posted by mrhartge@Mar 21 2005, 05:50 PM
316i E30 M40 4 100 HP 182 km/u 12.1 sec. 1988-1991
316i E36 M40 4 100 HP 191 km/u 12.9 sec. 1990-1993
316i E36 M43 4 102 HP 195 km/u 12.7 sec. 1993-1998
316i E46 M44 4 105 HP 200 km/u 12.4 sec. 1999-
318i E30 M40 4 113 HP 188 km/u 10.8 sec. 1987-1991
318i E36 M40 4 113 HP 198 km/u 11.5 sec. 1990-1993
318i E36 M43 4 115 HP 201 km/u 11.3 sec. 1993-1998
318i E46 M44 4 118 HP 206 km/u 10.4 sec. 1998-
318is E30 M42 4 136 HP ? 9.9 sec. 1989-1990
318is E36 M44 4 140 HP 213 km/u 10.2 sec. 1996-1998
318tds E36 M41 4 90 HP 182 km/u 14.4 sec. 1994-1998


CKD E36 318 has rear disc, the CBU E36 318 has only drums fitted.....
what's the different between 318i and 318is?? s means sport??? what is the different on the appearance of the car??? 4 doors???
wow how fast is iceman 318 ah seems like the car is ultimate 318 la , can tell me more ah
I just get my first 318 a month sebelum raya....so damn 2 times engine overheating...temp reading reached to red zone without any early notice...and finally I get another empty engine to replace, bcoz 4 sure that engine cracked already...altogether plus labour fee plus pressure host plus new radiator, total cost nearly 7K!! Just imagine in a first month using UDM I spent that much.....ohhh....sadly last raya no more budget....really hope my BM will give me a better luck after this.... :angry:
Originally posted by danni@Dec 25 2005, 04:44 AM
I just get my first 318 a month sebelum raya....so damn 2 times engine overheating...temp reading reached to red zone without any early notice...and finally I get another empty engine to replace, bcoz 4 sure that engine cracked already...altogether plus labour fee plus pressure host plus new radiator, total cost nearly 7K!! Just imagine in a first month using UDM I spent that much.....ohhh....sadly last raya no more budget....really hope my BM will give me a better luck after this.... :angry:
aiyo, baru sebulan dah keno 7K! cari the previous owner or dealer you get from... minta sedikit penjelasan dari diaorang... kalau boleh pi periksa kereta since when this cracked happen, manalah tau kalau masih ada tanda tanda tampal (tanda bukti)... ini kes kena tipu atau kes you lanyak kereta tu cukup cukup! pi jabatan mahkamah pengguna minta gantirugi...
jangan kasi chance sama kaki tipu or kaki kesempatan!
my 318i luckily didn't have major problems until today, touchwood and thank God! But being one of the 1st edition e36 there is bound to be wear and tear parts. So for the 1st month I changed most of it eg. bushes, rubber hoses, door lining, clutch set etc. Set me back RM2-3k for those. Other parts changed were purely cosmetic so it wasn't necessary eg. 17in rims, tyres, ac bumper & spoiler.

The only complain is that it is lack of power especially after those 17in rims. I initially wanted 18in but decided that I want to have the ability to drive up to Genting one day..kekeke

However, all hope is not lost in terms of power upgrades on the existing 1.8 engine. A supercharger kit for the e36 will be developed sometime 2006 for the 1.8 litre engines with stage 1 & 2 offering more than 300Nm torque and about 300hp (225hp on wheel). My car will be the 1st guiney pig to test the kit so standby for some updates next year :)
Originally posted by DanPromote@Dec 26 2005, 01:05 AM
my 318i luckily didn't have major problems until today, touchwood and thank God! But being one of the 1st edition e36 there is bound to be wear and tear parts. So for the 1st month I changed most of it eg. bushes, rubber hoses, door lining, clutch set etc. Set me back RM2-3k for those. Other parts changed were purely cosmetic so it wasn't necessary eg. 17in rims, tyres, ac bumper & spoiler.

The only complain is that it is lack of power especially after those 17in rims. I initially wanted 18in but decided that I want to have the ability to drive up to Genting one day..kekeke

However, all hope is not lost in terms of power upgrades on the existing 1.8 engine. A supercharger kit for the e36 will be developed sometime 2006 for the 1.8 litre engines with stage 1 & 2 offering more than 300Nm torque and about 300hp (225hp on wheel). My car will be the 1st guiney pig to test the kit so standby for some updates next year :)

can u tell me more bout this supercharger kit??? DIY...????
tersangat laa minat nya nak tahu mcm mana nak masukkan lg
kuasa kuda ke dalam E36 318i...
wait till 2006 :) don't wanna spill the beans yet as it's still a long way to go... when installed then it'll be easier to explain. After all mine will be the first guiney pig so still keeping my fingers crossed that things will work out right.
318i is the 4 door sedan version while the 318is is the coupe(2 door) version with some minor "sports" tweaking. :)
Originally posted by DanPromote@Dec 27 2005, 11:58 AM
wait till 2006 :) don't wanna spill the beans yet as it's still a long way to go... when installed then it'll be easier to explain. After all mine will be the first guiney pig so still keeping my fingers crossed that things will work out right.
make sure you let us know once it is all installed and ready for public viewing (and testing). Interested to know more about it ;)
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