voltage stabiliser

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Club Guest
May 14, 2007
hi guys, need to know more on the voltage stabiliser ( which is install @ the battery ) will it make any difference and what is the advantages and disadvantages? hope u guys can enlighten me. TQ
seems there are a lots of mix feelings leh! Calvin tan ask me to see the results after 2 days (dont know why lar) which i had alrdy installed ( cant remember the name like hot ..... made in Japan punya) if it doesnt work i gonna F him lar.
cppeng;283631 said:
seems there are a lots of mix feelings leh! Calvin tan ask me to see the results after 2 days (dont know why lar) which i had alrdy installed ( cant remember the name like hot ..... made in Japan punya) if it doesnt work i gonna F him lar.

Cppeng, u mean "Hot Inazma"? If the stuff is the original unit made in Japan, then I think it's a legendary item for Japanese cars. Quite expensive though. Not too sure if it works on BMWs, but the threads given suggested the pros and cons of having this item.

I was thinking of fitting one unit too, the lower end model would be the Pivot Volt Stabiliser (blue in color).

Would probably install it when I change my car battery soon :)
Hot Inazma is indeed a much better brand, their volt stabilizers range from RM400-700 I believe, last time I got someone to quote me a price list.

I was thinking of one too, after all, it might help an old E30, but with so many mixed reactions, some saying its the best sub-1k mod, others saying its pure snake oil, I decided against it until I see something more convincing.
Russie;283634 said:
Cppeng, u mean "Hot Inazma"? If the stuff is the original unit made in Japan, then I think it's a legendary item for Japanese cars. Quite expensive though. Not too sure if it works on BMWs, but the threads given suggested the pros and cons of having this item.

I was thinking of fitting one unit too, the lower end model would be the Pivot Volt Stabiliser (blue in color).

Would probably install it when I change my car battery soon :)

Bro, yeah hot inazma made in japan, very expensive lah dont know it works or not.
I am running 2x in my Toyota... haven't test it on UDM yet.. The Toyota become really responsive.. awesome experience! Some friend running 4x until no more space in the engine compartment..

Bear in mind that capacitors have life span of a recommended 2 years. Thus, perfomance would deteriorate thru time..

To many its like a myth.. just like Ground Wires to me, which still is.. but I am not removing them.. :D
'Trust your ears Luke,
Yours.... not my pointy ones, Luke'

V-stabilzers are actually mini-capacitors with limited capacity
because of their size. A real V-stabilizer would be a regular sized
capacitor [like what the ICErs use} to act as a standby reservoir
when power is needed [drawn from the cap which acts as a bank]
and your ears can discern the pure sound of auto hifi without
any spikes or whinnies. If you want a real stabilizer then fit an ICE
capacitor, the better ones come with a digital led meter and that's
how you should spend your hard earned cash, not those cheowkia
mini caps! Those are meant for the accessories mart only - buy-use-throw.
For precision machines it's only logical that you use precision add-ons.
Nuff said, fellas.
haven't had much experience with this.. but just curios if it can actually cause a fire if the components inside goes haywire...
Capacitor have a tendency to explode if the rated voltage is exceed. but I have never seen a capacitor catch fire (even oil filled type).
the vs i installed got 3 cables, one connect to + and one to - and another one to the ground/earth. still not tested yet coz not driving it for the last few days.
errr.. i saw calvin fix at +, - , n earth ( my original BMW also got 3 cables lar )
The capacitors that I mentioned are the dedicated ICE-type which have a separate circuit and even fuses/breakers to prevent any damage to it or the parent.
If you have not seen one then go surf Phoenix Gold, Vampire Audio, Lightning Audio, Rockford Fosgate, etc and see those dedicated CAPS which are humungous looking and awesome. Don't forget that you can get a China-made one for around 1K which does the same job! With a good installer you get a whole world of a difference, in sound, performance, reliability and stability.
fabianyee;283986 said:
haven't had much experience with this.. but just curios if it can actually cause a fire if the components inside goes haywire...

Voltage stabilizer (VS) is a box of capacitors connected together in parallel and all its open circuit. Faulty capacitor will burst or melt and may close circuit or better known as short circuit. All my VS has individual fuse to protect such situation from causing a fire hazard.

jarance;283996 said:
Capacitor have a tendency to explode if the rated voltage is exceed. but I have never seen a capacitor catch fire (even oil filled type).

My VS uses 25v 105 degree capacitors, so not much chance to exceed if used in our cars.. ;)

As I have mentioned, a fuse is a must!

This is cppeng's type:


So its +ve, -ve and engine body, nearest to spark plug housing to benefit the spark plugs as much as possible. Meaning the 3rd cable is like a direct grounding cable to the spark plug' grounding from the "collection of capacitors" or VS.

For a Japanese car, it takes few days for the ECU to "learn" the extra electrical charge now available in the "system".

Look out for few improvements in the car:

1. Headlights brighter, more obvious on halogen lights..
2. Car less jerk when aircond compressor cuts in..
3. Engine response better, lighter rev..
4. Aircond cooler..
5. ICE sounds better..
6. Gearbox upshifts at lower RPM due to slight improvement of torque (spark plugs better sparks)..
7. FC improves eventually but you must keep ur cool with the now more responsive car, or else FC suffers..
8. Battery last longer, easily more than 3 years for JDMs.

For JDMs above 1.6L, u need to install 2 VS (parallel) for a more obvious improvement, that's why I have friends installing 4, until run out of space.. :D
bro ahpeng, your money what! so if youre happy to spend it by all means otherwise bank into this account 888-XXX-1188-168.
Have been using them for a number of years.

They wear out after some time. Am in the process of replacing them now.

The debate of whether they work or not is an old one. There are some old and long threads on this.

One former outspoken critic was recently seen purchasing some from KLAuto. Old-timers will know what I mean.
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