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Club Guest
Jul 21, 2006
can someone help problem is when i drive my e30...when i try to increase speed the car vibrates. is it my suspension or something else?
Have you tried balancing your wheels? On the surface it sounds like a wheel balancing issue.
Vibration can be so many causes, the easiest part to check is the Tire balancing and alignment, if that not worked, then you can check on the wheel bearing, steering coupling, lower arm bushing, engine mounting, gearbox mounting, suspension/spring condition, absorber mounting, lower/control/thrust arm bushings, those are the tear/wear parts, of couse the engine tuning, gearbox condition (type of oil used or when is the last change) all can lead to various vibration, I still try to fingure out some vibration on my car too... hopefully one day we can become the Vibration SIFU.. hahahah...
hmm seems so many causes create vibration...
ok, in that case...which step do u recommend me guys?
1. send my car to a tyre shop or for fault finding
2. send my car to a foreman/mechanic for fault finding

My 2 cents - I think basically you need to assess whether the vibration is:

1) Coming from the stering wheel (via the tyres & wheels) once you hit a certain speed; or

2) From the engine area itself, in which case it may be your engine mountings etc.

3) do you hear funny noises when you brake hard or steer left/right etc.

In my opinion, no.1) will need to go to a good tyre shop to align & balance out the wheels. If that doesn't work and for other symptoms, go to a good mechanic or to a BMW dealer (if your car is still new).
Change The Long Shaft!! This Is Definately The Cause~~
chris1;350425 said:

My 2 cents - I think basically you need to assess whether the vibration is:

1) Coming from the stering wheel (via the tyres & wheels) once you hit a certain speed; or

2) From the engine area itself, in which case it may be your engine mountings etc.

3) do you hear funny noises when you brake hard or steer left/right etc.

In my opinion, no.1) will need to go to a good tyre shop to align & balance out the wheels. If that doesn't work and for other symptoms, go to a good mechanic or to a BMW dealer (if your car is still new).

I don't hear or encounter any noise when i brake hard or steering right/left...

a bit details about the problem:
it happens in 4th gear and above, with 2k and above rpm and 60km/h and above speed..
the vibration is on the left, rear of my car
i m having the same problem wif my e46. the vibration comes when i travel over 60km/h. at 1st i thought of balancing my wheels, but i did try travelling over 80km/h n left the car roll for a distance, the vibration did not occur. the vibration only occur when my foot is on the accelerator.
agree with James - check the long shaft for imbalance. mebbe the artic disc, the flexible coupling or center bearing that gave way...
My 36 has a similar issue, vibration felt slighly at the seats. Changed long shaft coupling once already. Less than a year of normal ==> spirited type of driving, the problem came back & now significantly worse. Sometimes it just doesn't feel drivable. Now awaiting a brand new long shaft coming all the way by ship from Deutschland, advised to do so by my local sifu coz repair * 3 = brand new long shaft:dong:
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