To all the BMW cars which using EWS3

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Club Guest
Dec 23, 2006
There is a problem for the car which using EWS3. The data in EWS3 might corrupt in certain conditions. Once the data in EWS3 is corrupted then you will not able to start your engine again until you buy a new EWS3 from AB or change the DME together with EWS3. In this condition the EWS3 circuit board is actually still can be use it just data corrupted.I heard that got people having the tool which can pair back DME and EWS3 but need to pay few hundred RM. I never seen the tools before. We can avoid this happen to us by copy out the data from EWS3 and store in CD or HDD. When ever the data in EWS3 is corrupted then we can restore back the data to EWS3 from the backup file.If you guys wanted to backup this EWS file, we can arrange 1 TT session to do this backup.Latest NewsI went to Quiil in Puchong regarding the problem above. They replied to me said that just only diagnosis will charge you RM300 to RM400. If confirm is EWS error then have to order a new EWS. They will not rewrite back the EWS code into EWS again. This will charge you more than RM1000 just for the new EWS.
Another e36 328 facing the same problem. EWS2 data corrupt. The owner of this e36 contact Yasmeen to sell him the DME and EWS2 but unfortunately Yasmeen lost his DME and EWS2.

If you guys not yet backup the EWS data please do it as soon as possible. This owner told me EWS2 from German cost RM700 to RM800.
there is a tool to pair EWS and DME
its call INPA

but in E36 dont need to pair DME and EWS, a second hand used ECU can be used

only double vanos need to have paired DME/EWS, which start with E39 and E46 onwards.
jarance is our expert which using inpa scanner, he told us inpa scanner not able to pair DME/EWS

Will try to use inpa scanner to do the pairing with DME/EWS later.
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