Temperature gauge, engine run-in and revving

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Club Guest
Dec 18, 2006
I very sayang my car... so I don't dare to rev too much when my car hasn't warm up... I usually look at the temperature gauge and try to keep rev around 2000+ until it has reached optimum temperature... then only I go 3000-4000+But I noticed that in E90... there's no temperature gauge?! How leh? And also I was told by a AB saleman, no need to worry, the car is made for revving... can rev right from the get go! Even zero mileage, don't hafta wait for engine to run in... just rev it! He said in his years of selling BMW, he only once noticed a little sticker that says "keep rev below 3000 for first 2000km" on an M6... the rest of the car don't have this warning... and he thinks these Germans are very meticulous... if there's a need, they sure put stickers and warning everywhere... if you don't see it, that means can rev lar.So I wonder if the 2 are related and maybe that's why E90 now have no temperature gauge? Haven't really noticed E60 or any of the other new range BMWs... if they've all removed the temperature gauge as it's deemed redundant... OBC just give you warning when it's overheating... the rest of the time, you can ignore it?
hm...perhaps you just keep the rev around 2000 for around 5-10minutes...that should the time needed to warm up the engine...
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