Strut Bars

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Nov 10, 2007
Hi All,I drive a '92 318i (M40).I realised that there are different strut bars for the M40, M43, and M50 engines. What are the main differences? Can i purchase a strut bar for a 6 cylinder and fit them to a 4 cylinder unit? I'm asking because I know M-Tech makes them for the 6 cylinders and not for the 4 cylinders. Was also exploring the idea of fitting an X brace as well, however I did notice that it was designed for the 6 cylinder models also. Are there any major clearance issues? Hope the experienced bunch would be able to shed some light. Planning to do some track work so was thinking of beefing up the chassis a bit.Cheers!
Mostly clearance issue.
As far as I know(I might be wrong), in E36, Strut bar made for 6 cylinders mostly can't clear 4 cylinders car.

If you are somewhere near melaka, I can borrow you mine to try it on. :)
If you do a google search, you'll actually find some E36 318i with X-Brace installed. Mostly american cars though.
X-brace can be fitted to E36 318i. Not a problem. For the strut bar, you just need to find the one which clears M40 engine.
Thanks for the replies. But is the X-Brace that you guys are refering to by M-Tech as well? Or is there a different one for 6 cylinder and 4 cylinder models?

I might decide to plonk in an M42 when I cannot stand the tappet noise from my M40 anymore. So between a strut bar for the M40 and M43, which one has more clearance? So that I will not need to change my strut bar when I upgrade. (or they are both completely different designs?)

Thanks heaps people. Very helpful. At least I can sort of know what to look for now.


appreciate your offer however i'm about 3 hours drive away...

but cheers to you mate!
I think there's only 1 version of the X-Brace which fits all E36 chassis irrespective of whether its a 318i or 328i.

Can't help you with the strut bar question though. Sorry.
damnu;313948 said:
I might decide to plonk in an M42 when I cannot stand the tappet noise from my M40 anymore.

appreciate your offer however i'm about 3 hours drive away...
but cheers to you mate!

tappet noise? you mean lifter noise ? have you try using Fuel System Cleaner ?
Carbon deposit near intake/exhaust valve can result lifter noise.
turbology;313995 said:
tappet noise? you mean lifter noise ? have you try using Fuel System Cleaner ?
Carbon deposit near intake/exhaust valve can result lifter noise.

the so common tappet noise, is the hydraulic lifters in the m40 engines, with the camshaft and the lifters fulcrum lobes..

Carbon deposit would be rough idle and engine pinging...
thanks for the info guys...

it's a ticking/tapping sound from the engine. idling so far has been pretty smooth. read from here that it's a common problem. Is it anything serious though? like will cause sudden mechanical breakdown?

M40 manifolds are higher than the M43 ones... The cheap local option would be the Ultra Racing bars which are pretty heavy...
Hi fabian,

so does that mean that if i buy one for the M40 it will pretty clear all the other engine types (including M42)?

I lifted one UR bar before and thought it was pretty light compared to my old strut bar in my Iswara. Probably my standards aren't high enough haha...

One thing about UR bars is that the connection between the strut cap (dunno what's the right term - the part which mounts to the shocks) and the bar is welded as compared to Zenden. Is this an added advantage or is it pure marketing speak on their website?

I still got my UR strut bar for the 4 cylinder engine that I dont need anymore since I converted to 6 cylinder.. PM me if you wanna try it on or get it off from me.
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