Stereo go cranky

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Club Guest
Dec 4, 2004
OK guys. This has happened to me twice. I owned a 3.18 2.0. Both times is when i left the car for 4-5 days home with my alarm switched off. First time, as i was approaching the toll, my stereo just blasted the music with maximum volume. It scared the shit out of me and i tried to off it but it just stayed at maximum volume. I drive to the side road, off my engine and restart again. With my heart in my stomach now, i did not dare to on the stereo until i reach office. Then i turn it on and its back to normal. The last incident happened again as i passed the toll, and the stereo went maximum again. This time i could not drive to the side as i am on the highway and all i could do was to keep pressing the off button for as long as i can still concentrate on the road. It finally stop after 8-10 seconds. Then bravely i turn it on again and it is back to normal, this time with my window down. It was really a ear drum damage and really can make your heart stop beating for a second. Have you guys experienced this and how do you resolve the problem? Until now, no one can give me an answer, even AB.
The stereo in your car is equipped with a microphone sensor which measures the ambient noise level in your car's cabin. It allows you to maintain your chosen volume level irrespective of your speed.

Seems to me that this sensor is faulty. If AB kenot help, call me lar......
but but but, sifu ar, it was like these two incidents happened one year apart wor.........
Happened to be 3 times already but also long time apart, so I never bothered to get it fixed. If it happens now, I simply know to turn it off and onz again without getting a heart attack, heh.
puss said:
but but but, sifu ar, it was like these two incidents happened one year apart wor.........

Maybe it was on the days that you skipped your morning shower?.......*cabutz*:D
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