Steering Vibrating... Need Help...

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Club Guest
Aug 23, 2009
hello to everyone here...i need your help by telling me whats the problem with my steering.. whenever im going above 90km/h and suddenly if i jam the break, my steering rattles really loud.. its scary as i dont know whats wrong... is it something to do with my steering part or some other part has problem?hope to get feedback from the Sifu's...Thanks in advance...:rock:
It could be a few things, but I don't think its anything to do with steering.

Usually its either worn suspension components (balljoints, control arm bushings, tie-rods, etc), it could also be the brakes, or wheels (unbalanced wheels).

So the question is, did this happen after you change something? Maybe if you point out the things you've done or replaced others could help.
Hi there 2wenty6,

I just changed all 4 disk brakes so i dont think its the brakes or those disk's got problem..=(

When i was changing those disk's i found out both of the front suspensions had bad leaking.. could that be the problem?
planning to change the suspension, any advice which brand? so far i asked 1 guy he said bilstein is harder and H&R is comfort.. do you agree?

Don't know if that is the problem, but if its leaking then you will wanna replace them. What car is this?

I had an e36 M3 and put on Koni Yellows to replace the worn dampers. Konis are priced pretty competitively and in my case was only about $100 (usd) more than OE replacement. They are also adjustable so you can match the damping to whatever spring you have. I've only heard good things about Koni (comfort, handling, quality).

I've also heard that Bilsteins tend to be harsher, have no knowledge about the H&R dampers. But you can always do an OE replacement, depending on what your car is.
Im using E46 325i.. I think i have to change the suspension soon then.. the sound is getting from BAD to WORST... =(
Go ahead with Koni if it isn't prohibitive. Otherwise, the OE dampers provide good comfort. I've always liked the comfortable ride of an e46 on OE dampers.
No clue man, I just got back from the US and am still getting used to the automotive scene here. But in the US Koni is running a promotion of some sort, which makes their dampers REALLY affordable.
oh okay bro, maybe ill search around here and see how much it cost... its is affordable then i think ill go for those.... thanks for the info man..

E90 owner;530421 said:
maybe is the rim bengkok..

Good point that I forgot. If the rim is bent you will feel stronger than usual vibration on the steering wheel even without braking, and will be worse when you're braking.
brought my car to check and just found out the problem for my steering vibrating... it is the steering column... =(
The problem was confirmed the Steering Column and during the change, i diagnostic:rolleyes: the steering column and found this out




1 of the metal ball inside missing and that was the cause of the vibration... due to that missing ball it made the steering feel lose and the irritating sound when i slam the brake...

Have someone here have came across the same situation?

After changed the steering column the was no sound at the steering but there was a slight vibration sound still.. so send both of the front disk for skimming... Now my car is so peaceful and better handling...

From The President's Announcement,


The 11th Charity Jam Session would be held back at RP , Saujana Resort (formerly known as Hyatt Regency Saujana) again this year which would be held on the 3rd of July, 2010 (Saturday). The event will be spearheaded by Malaysian Association of Hotels, Chefs Association of Malaysia, Malaysian Food & Beverage Executives Association and Malaysian Association of Housekeepers with The Saujana Hotel being the venue/co-organiser with participation of BMW Club Malaysia.

Activities for the day would include, performance by 17 bands from around Malaysia, car (BMW :rock:) display outside RP, biker's display etc. This occasion will further be promoted by the media with coverage in major newspaper's and magazines.

Proceeds to : Paediatric Intensive Care Unit (UMMC, KL), a dedicated care unit for the critically ill children from newborn to fourteen years of age. All proceeds will be used to purchase life saving equipment and subsidize the cost to care for these children.

Prior to this, affiliation was done with other clubs such as Porsche Club Malaysia , Harley Davidson etc . This year and with your help , maybe years to come we are proud to be associated with this noble event.

Day/Date : Saturday 3rd July 2010
Time : 2.00pm – 1.00am
Venue : RP Entertainment Centre (Tel : 03-78461234)
Saujana Resort,
Off Jalan Lapangan Terbang Subang.
Bands Performing :
Fats & Vernon
Zack & Lyia
Ghost Riders
Joe "Elvis" Rozario
President's Men
Shahrin Band
Carbolic Smokeballs
Pieces of April

The event will be filled with fun, food, music and booths selling merchandises...

All food and beverages (including Carlsberg Draft/Skol Beer/Fruit Juices) are priced at RM10.00 and are sold via coupons available through the Organisers & official partner BMW Club Malaysia and also at The Saujana Kuala Lumpur. Priced at RM100.00 per book of 10 coupons. Additional single coupons of RM10 can be purchased during the event.

There will be lucky draws using the coupons during the event. Attractive prizes such as handphones etc will be given away. Fun Auctions will also be held throughout the day.

We are proud to be the official partner for this noble event. As such , lets make us proud by helping the needy children as MUCH as we can. Lets strive to be the record breaker for the donation. They might not be our children but they could have been. So, lets give and give generously. Don't stop at individual donations. If u know of corporations willing to donate, please do make the effort. Donations will be in the form of coupons booklet. Each booklet contains ten coupons of RM10 which makes it RM100 per booklet/donation. Donations be it small or big are very much welcomed.

The coupons are to be used to purchase food & drinks as well as enter lucky draws throughout the day , if u attend the charity jam. U can also choose to just purchase the coupons purely as donations.

The donations (coupon purchase ) can be used for income tax deductions. As such, to those needing the receipts, please advise us of your details and we will arrange with the main organizers for the official receipts. It was requested that donations of RM200 and above request for the receipts due to the organizers logistical reasons. However if u do need receipts for Rm100 coupon purchase , I will forward the requests.

So come..come all to have fun while donating to a noble cause.
Glad you got it worked out. How did you figure out that its the steering column? Good to know for future reference :D
bimmerholic : i also thought wanna change the bearings only but after asking the mechanic, he said cannot as inside its all in 1 piece... so had to change the whole steering column... i was shocked when i heard its Rm3k :banghead: for a new steering column but i told my mechanic to find a half cut which is GOOD condition.. found 1 which is very good condition for RM800...

2wenty6 : when i felt the vibration when i jam down the brakes, took it to check and the mechanic said sure steering column because it cant be the brakes as it was just changed.. But he dont know which part of the column is causing the problem.. when they were changing the column, my itchy hands decided to dig the old column and i found out the problem was 1 of the metal ball inside the bearing was MISSING !:7: *Thats why if in the future anyone have this problem, check the metal ball inside... :cool:*
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