Spent too much on my E60, should stop spending liao.

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Jul 8, 2008
My goodness, I think I am poisoned! Changed 4 new tyres, buy 1 spare tyre kit, install front/rear camera, install multimedia interface, install 1 DVD player, install a FM booster then removed it and buy some acccessories... gzzzzzz... I was so happy and brought my car out from accessories shop to my office after DVD installed but, one damn old uncle reversed his car and hit my bumper! I think he is deaf cox i horned very loud but he kept reversing his car. End up, scrathed 2 lines on the bumper.:mad: :banghead:
Capt.M.Faisal;601537 said:
Imagine spent all of those on proton wira .. not too much though .. but e60 .. skyrocketssss

Heart pain la after summarize all damages inccurred.
Wow! Sorry to hear of your misfortune. That's why I am keeping everything stock & only change to something else when really need to ;) don't want to be caught in the spending bug.....heh heh.
Bro, am in same boat as you. Because want to be safe traveling back home for CNY, changed all 4 tyres (OK la, back ones were botak already, and front ones almost botak). Then had problems with iDrive screen blinking off-on, then air cond no power, auto cruise cannot work. Classic symptoms of low voltage. So changed battery (before was original Jap one in 2004!). 7 years is OK la...time to change anyway. Today still blinking again...so back to Ah Meng.... found out IBS cable koyak...alternator koyak...at same time, Ah Meng said a few critical items showing signs of wear and tear. Normal times, I would not bothered so much, but since traveling long distance, have to play it safe.... So change all! Water pump, top hose, engine thermostat, fan belt, tensioner, etc... all changed!

Total bill end of these few days? About RM8K!!!!!

You really got to love this car..... :)
Bro Alxy, glad you are happy on your spending.

For past 2 to 3 months, I already spent a lot on my E39. Changed oil intake valve, replaced engine casket, air-cond blower, air-cond fan, belt for air circlulation, 2 front absorbers, 2 front wheel arm and many others... nearly 8K++!!!

Plus those lately spending on my E60 I am really worry la. Luckily most paid by cash esle end up paying high interest to bank. Without spent on those stuffs, I could have a much happier CNY. Really poisoned!
alxy;601905 said:
Bro, am in same boat as you. Because want to be safe traveling back home for CNY, changed all 4 tyres (OK la, back ones were botak already, and front ones almost botak). Then had problems with iDrive screen blinking off-on, then air cond no power, auto cruise cannot work. Classic symptoms of low voltage. So changed battery (before was original Jap one in 2004!). 7 years is OK la...time to change anyway. Today still blinking again...so back to Ah Meng.... found out IBS cable koyak...alternator koyak...at same time, Ah Meng said a few critical items showing signs of wear and tear. Normal times, I would not bothered so much, but since traveling long distance, have to play it safe.... So change all! Water pump, top hose, engine thermostat, fan belt, tensioner, etc... all changed!

Total bill end of these few days? About RM8K!!!!!

You really got to love this car..... :)

IBS cable is the one at battery bro? i got same syndrome like yours,low voltage of battery discharge. So then i change altenator and battery and now got new warning "high voltage of battery discharge". Might be IBS cable also? how much you get it for? Now may car quite crazy, aircond no power,active steering cannot adjust up and down,seat sometimes cannot adjust too...
may i know how much it cost for the IBS.. i think mine also koyak already lah
Bro hakim and r37720,

Yes, high battery discharge might be caused by the IBS cable, although I did not get any alarms. But could also be caused by faulty parts like the TCU, which fails to put certain components to sleep (hence, draining the battery all the time). Other symptoms I faced were my glovebox CD changer like always swapping CDs and does not remember where I stopped (e.g. CD 4, Track 6, 2:23mins). It just resets back to CD 1, Track 1 when car is restarted.

Worse thing is that your battery does not get charged properly. In my case, I was in a way lucky as I just managed to drive it to MSpeed before battery totally drained! Otherwise Mr Tow Truck operator would have a happier CNY :)

By the way, I changed the battery first (Delkor DIN90 RM650) as I didn't want to change too many items unnecessarily. Also, because the IBS cable was RM1000! IN the end, had to change. But hopefully this will give me a trouble free ride over the CNY. That's most important.
P/S for those wondering, IBS cable is the one connected to the battery negative terminal. IBS stands for Intelligent Battery Sensor......
alxy;602789 said:
P/S for those wondering, IBS cable is the one connected to the battery negative terminal. IBS stands for Intelligent Battery Sensor......

That cable only rm1k? ouchhh... :saint:
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