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Princess Farah

Club Guest
Jan 29, 2008
Hello helpfulicousz people... Once again, I'm seeking advice and tips...I was driving a fren's beemer the otha day to LCCT... there's no warning light on the dashboard but the squeaking brakes is pretty annoying when stepping on the brake pedal and the pick-up is not so good... I cant drive fast coz it feels heavy than usual... but I managed to find a shop to replace the brake pads.Question 1:How long do I need to wait before I replace to a new one... or do I have to have the same feelings again and wait for it to happen again to change 'em in the future?Then this morning there's a noise in the back... somewhat like a gas leaking out...Question 2:Does it mean it's time to replace the silencer/muffler?Thanks....
I think u will be a lot "in control" when seated in front of your dressing table.. :D

1. Break pad or some refer to it as brake lining... not the one in your pants la.. :D Most BMW has a break lining wear indicator. There will be a warning light on your meter cluster. So don't have to keep guessing whether need to replace brake lining or not. Not warning lights mean ok loo..

2. Muffler/silencer noise? Normally BMW muffler/silencer can last very long. Unless you drove it without care and allowing it to scrap on humps and what not. Then high chance of joint breakage. If u hear hissing from your engine or muffler or exhaust. Get it checked by a trusty pomen.. :D RedBaron is damn good in picking this exhaust leakage noise. When we had our TT at Aman Suria the other night, he can spot an exhaust leak in an AW E21 park across the road. Tabek! :top:
astroboy;289810 said:
I think u will be a lot "in control" when seated in front of your dressing table.. :D

1. Break pad or some refer to it as brake lining... not the one in your pants la.. :D Most BMW has a break lining wear indicator. There will be a warning light on your meter cluster. So don't have to keep guessing whether need to replace brake lining or not. Not warning lights mean ok loo..

2. Muffler/silencer noise? Normally BMW muffler/silencer can last very long. Unless you drove it without care and allowing it to scrap on humps and what not. Then high chance of joint breakage. If u hear hissing from your engine or muffler or exhaust. Get it checked by a trusty pomen.. :D RedBaron is damn good in picking this exhaust leakage noise. When we had our TT at Aman Suria the other night, he can spot an exhaust leak in an AW E21 park across the road. Tabek! :top:

Hey.... not fair... I'm here to learn... so dont put me in front of my dressing table... alamak.... I forgot my mascara la this morning (searching for my mascara in my beauty-kit pouch).

1. Oh.. meter cluster... I thought u called that darn thing a dashboard... hehehhe... my bad.... so.. there'll be a warning light... ok... noted....

2. Ok... I'll ask him to drive it to his trusty pomen... or perhaps Mr RedBaron Sir cud introduce me to a good one... (Where is RedBaron today?? It's time I meet him for anotha good advice)

Thanks astroboy... u're a darling...
Princess Farah;289820 said:
.... Oh.. meter cluster... I thought u called that darn thing a dashboard... hehehhe... ......

Yes, there are all part of the dashboard.. including your glove compartment and central radio console.. :D

Must be specific mah.. OTW you might be looking for this indicator inside the glove compartment... I am not surprise there's such people.. :eek: :rolleyes:
Hahahah... I'm not that stoooopid la sampai nak tengok kat glove compartment unless I need to find my gloves b4 I play golf.... hehehhehhe...
Princess Farah;289797 said:
Then this morning there's a noise in the back... somewhat like a gas leaking out...

If its something like a buzzing sound then it is the fuel pump...
need to find my gloves b4 I play golf.... hehehhehhe

nice to have a lady golfer in the house.
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