sifus! e30 needs help.i'm perplexed.

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Nov 15, 2006
hi all, my ride is a e30 ,320,1984 2door model, recently when my car is idle wif the engine on, i've been having this noise that bugs the living shit out of me, the sound is a cranking/yanking sound like rusted bearings going "zoing--zoing" intermittently. but whenever i press my clutch, the sound will slowly dampen and slow to silence. is that a sign of a failing clutch or a failing gearbox? i need opinions.wat do you think? ahmeng in M-SPEED tells me he gotta tear it apart to see, but before that i wana hear opinions. other symptoms are:1. my top speed is just 150km/h, when i first got the car half a year ago it could go more than 160km/h could it be the slipping clutch? 2. the buzzing sound when i press the accelerator is getting louder and louder!3. i feel that the car is a damped , slow pickup girl. pls help ;)
I'm no sifu, but the noise sounds very much like clutch release bearing failing.
If your clutch slipping badly you will see revs rise disproportionally to acceleration.

But if you replacing the release bearing, might as well do the clutch at the same time.
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