Rubber Lining for Windscreen of e39

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Club Guest
Dec 8, 2004
Fellow e39s again, I also need to replace the rubber lining that holds the windscreen of my e39. Have any owners here changed before? If yes, please tell me how much does it cost to replace both the front and rear ones. Also, please recommend a place too. Thanks... :)
give bavarian auto a call, they should have. They are located in segambut, SS2 and subang jaya.

Thanks for your comments. Have called up Bavarian Auto and was quoted about RM130 each for front and rear windscreen rubber linings. Yet to call 1st Division but will try later... Thanks again... :)

Was told that to change the rubber lining is very risky. Because the windscreen need to be removed and in the process, may break it.

So, anyone here done it before? Can anyone recommend a shop to go to?
LKW3 said:

Was told that to change the rubber lining is very risky. Because the windscreen need to be removed and in the process, may break it.

So, anyone here done it before? Can anyone recommend a shop to go to?

What's the outcome? Did you change the rubber lining? How much? What's the risk involved?
call 012288700 Ah Thai. I broke my windscreen about 3 weeks ago a coconut fell on it in penang. my mechanic did the job. I have no complaints he also change the rubber linning. no risk involve if you get the right people to do it. i don't know the cost,my was covered by insurance.
bro LKW3,

hav u chged yr rubber lining? how much all in all the damage?
Hi... Unfortunately, have yet to replace the rubber lining yet. Was advised against of doing so as the windscreen may break later. Was suggested to replace both the windscreen and rubber lining together. *headache*

Anyway, was thinking of replacing rubber lining my own (DIY). But upon closer inspection, may not be easy. Foresee some difficulties. As such, nothing is being done at this stage.

I faced same problem with u. Why u wan t to change the rubber lining, mine one bcoz got sound when i drive fast. So u not change till today?
U only need to pay RM300 to 400 for the premium for taking up windscreen insurance. As I am a frequent traveller on the highway, I feel more comfortable taking up the insurance. Normally they change the rubber lining when u change the windscreen. Been advised before that they dont even encourage to transport the windscreen from kl to ipoh ler:cool:
No ler..their said exclude the rubber lining, only can claim the windscreen.
my front windscreen lining is kaput too. it cracked and somewhat brittle. but my mechanic says as long as no leakage then no need to change as all bmw's got the same problem....strange eh? mechanic says no need to change.....
Btw, my mechanic repairs mainly BMW's only.
Egon-E39, let me know if u did it..I want to know the result..:rock: :rock:
Dear ALL,

Looking back at this thread, time really flies. It took me about 1.5 years to take the plunge to change both the front and rear windscreen rubber linings.

Since I do not know any good windscreen shops to go to, I really hesitated because I feared that some bad apples may purposely mishandled the windscreen resulting in its breakage. But, the biggest concern is that I really do not wish to replace the CBU windscreen, although there is a small crack.

So, taking a gamble, while on business trip to Singapore, I had the rubber linings replaced in Singapore. And, luckily for me, the "operation" has been successful.

But, please do not ask about the labour cost. It is definitely higher than in our local country. My main criteria is on workmanship and the responsibility of the person handling the job. But then again, I do not know which windscreen shop did the job. Only think I know is that I instructed the mechanic to send it to a good shop with good workmanship. That is why I mentioned earlier I am taking a gamble. And, truly it is.

Cheers... :)
I'm very impressed with all your patience and perseverance. Glad that you finally succeded in your mission!

Yeah... It took a lot of patience. Really sayang the car and wish it is with as much original parts as possible. For this, I am really glad and happy it ends well.

By the way, off topic a bit, it is possible to join as official member during the Jan 23rd meeting in Sg Long? And, where can I get the application form?
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