RPM Throttle

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Club Guest
Aug 7, 2006
Greetings Comrades!!Yesterday, when I stopped at the traffic light the rpm of my car (e34, 520i) suddenly increased on its own to over 2k rpm, and when I pressed the excelerator the rpm started to drop and the engine stopped/halted/mati/kaput. It took me more than 5 minutes just to restart the engine, but the rpm-excelerator issue persisted and therefore had to be towed. Back at the workshop, I was asked to change the "idle valve" and its adjoining rubber hose. Cost me a bomb!!!!Well, 2 hours later I was driving again, with newly changed parts. After travelling about 25 km the car started acting up in the same manner again!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :eek: RPM increased to over 2k rpm on its own and dropped to zero when excelerator is pressed!!! Now I am pissed!!!!:banghead: I wonder if anybody out there would be able to tell me as to what could possibly be wrong with my car? Thanking you all in advance.Regards,Vanan
Since you have changed your ICV and problem still persist, it could be due to the faulthy throttle switch which is located below your throttle housing. I had a similar symtoms several months back where the RPM would go up to 1.5 - 2k RPM. But thankfully my car didn't stall when I pressed the gas pedal. Had the throttle switch changed and problem went away. So not sure if yours is the same or similar problem....
Thank you Mr Ehoe. The mechanics claims that the issue was caused by a damaged "timing sensor" and now the car is ok. I will post back after testing it myself.

Yes forgot to mention the timing sensor can also cause this symtoms. Good luck, hope you have finally resolved your problem.
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