Roadtax Turun !!

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This is the case where they give u a penny and bitch about it for a year. Than why don't we give them and penny and bitch about it for a year. For the sub 1k cc, they will feel the difference of 33%, they will buy into the idea.
daan said:
This is the case where they give u a penny and bitch about it for a year. Than why don't we give them and penny and bitch about it for a year. For the sub 1k cc, they will feel the difference of 33%, they will buy into the idea.

i think the "so called reduction" in road tax is an attempt to quieten down people for the raising of the tolls, not because there is a fuel increase in the near future. But a fuel increase is bound to happen beyond that i'm sure.

anyways.. i'm going to take that RM20-30 i've saved on my RM1600 roadtax and go on a spending spree!!! ;) I feel richer already this new year.
1+2=3 said:
i think the "so called reduction" in road tax is an attempt to quieten down people for the raising of the tolls, not because there is a fuel increase in the near future. But a fuel increase is bound to happen beyond that i'm sure.

anyways.. i'm going to take that RM20-30 i've saved on my RM1600 roadtax and go on a spending spree!!! ;) I feel richer already this new year.

U will finish the money saved fromt he road tax in a day by the increased toll.
Road tax for those car less rm15,then 0.041 sen per day .this amount only for fun ,nothing can buy.Should be less more......
Everyday use LDP, to and fro, increase 0.60x2x365=$438, not to mention other tolls occasionally, road tax less $30....I am soooo thankful to the govt for being soooo 'perihatin' and easing my financial burden. C1P3k u lar....
This time, they should give discount to all vehicle above 1601cc. They had already given 50% disc to 1600cc & below only few months back..., somemore this time ada lagi discount..., itu sudah cukup..tapi bagi lagi..

At least give us some discount, tak perlu banyak..maybe 20% or 25% lah.., we are not asking 50%!!

Talk about price of the car...our car is even cheaper than Waja or kancil lah!!!

Any possiblities to ask Najid to withdraw his decision?? hehe...
How do I put it, 1600 and below makes up majority of the votes, need I say more?
That call Business Strategic ... (if not how call " M Boleh ")

Tax - Increase
Petrol - Increase
Tol - Increase
electricity - Increase
other - Increase

End out total profit end of month - " Lose Money "
Why lose money neh ??

This is not your business !!! 328 the roadtax still mahal !. too little...the saving cannot buy two McD meal.
this is the current ***ked up mentality that the current government has... under the rule of a graduate from some local university for some stupid degree like islamic studies or something like tt... and for the beloved deputy prime minister who made the "happy" announcement on the 31 of December 2006... i laugh in your uneducated good for nothing embarassment to the name of Tun Razak... he should not even be walking on the same soil as his father... let alone use his name... what a joke...

the current government thinks that by dangling a few measley ringgit in our faces will make us happy... when fuel prices go up... i never complain... hell... other countries in SEA does not get fuel subsidy from the government so why should we... frankly i have this big feeling that fule prices would be RM2.20 by the end of the first half of this year... i don't mind tt at all... toll prices increase... i don't mind... why is everyone complaining about toll prices increasing when prices of everything else increased as well... come on lah... LDP... how long has it been there??... 5-6 years?? and since it opened it's been RM1... isn't it ridiculous to think that when everything else is increasing in price... the cost to maintain a highway stays at RM1 per user??? the eceonomics of it is not right... yes the number of users increase and the collections increase as well... but increase in road users would also mean and increase in the number or preventive maintenance need to be done... so whenever my friends compalin about toll increase or fuel increase... i keep a positive mind about MALAYSIA and tell them the reality of it...

but... NAJIB has gone one step too far this time... for someone who pays in excess of RM3200 per year for road tax... you want to give me a discount of what RM20???...what is that?? not even 1%... to be exact 0.62%... that is just totally ridiculous... he has just spat in my face and rub it with his hands to smooth it out evenly... if ever you and your so called prime minister is thinking/planning to have an election this year... i suggest you read this advice... do not shit where u eat...

when tun M made comments about the current ruling government... everybody came out saying pak lah has done more in the last 3 years than what tun M did in his last three years... does the majority of the country really believe this?? i know the ministers want to believe this... becos they know they have to support pak lah.. if not forced resignation... but the people... are we so blind to believe all tt... come one... think about it... lets rally against this... anyone having a gripe... send an sms to the stars/nst/berita harian... or better still write an e-mail... get it in there...

i will be writing one out soon... keep a look out in the star...
daan said:
U will finish the money saved fromt he road tax in a day by the increased toll.

you mean i wont get "richer" from the money i'm saving on my roadtax..?? bugger :D
The government should simplify the whole road tax tariff thingy, it's a big mess now to calculate using the exact engine displacement capacity. Firstly it is definitely ridiculous to give the token minute sum of discount for cars above 2000cc, while still retaining the capacity-based calculation, super messy. Why can't they simplify it to just a few categories... some examples as a suggestion:

Below 1200cc
1201 to 2000cc
2001 to 3500cc
3501 to 5000cc
Above 5000cc

And make it a flat rate for each category, eg., in the same category you pay the same regardless whether your car is 1597cc or 1834cc or 1298cc or 1997cc...

My RM0.02...
This is biggest load of crap I have ever seen... It's just a ploy to appear to be helping us out... 30 bucks savings!@!*!@#! what the hell, can't even pay for the increase in toll and the inevitable petrol increase!

They just want to sell more Protons!

Bunch of morons. End of story. We are all just small fish. I'll think about voting for them this time round......
Behind the actions and strategies of those ministers, there are a bunch of advisors giving all sort of opinions and suggestions. They could be from related ministry to personal assistants to special assistants (whatever titles created to accomodate these group of people).
To the ministers - it pays to filter the bad suggestions and suggestors/advisors. Those continuously giving crap opinions, send them to man the lighthouses. There they cant talk all they want to themselves.
To the advisors - work a little smarter lah. Dont just think of getting projects.
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