Red Book - Police & Your Basic Rights

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Club Guest
Dec 4, 2004
The Bar Council has launched a Red Book yesterday titled as above. It contains all your basic rights when being stopped, arrested or questioned by the police and informs you what you can or cannot do. A PDF format of the Red Book is attached herein. The Red Book is informative on how to deal with the police (plain clothes or uniformed) and hopefully it help you ascertain whether the person is a genuine police officer or a bogus. Hope you find it useful.
Wah, Thank you.....

Interesting.... :blink:

must print out and bring show those officer what they can't do :getyourfactsright:

Since this topic is about cops, i have a situation to tell here.

Last weekend I was stopped at a polis road block and the cop asked for my IC and driving license. I told the cop my driving license is programed in the MyKad. He gave me the surprised/pissed-off attitude and said "apa? dalam mykad?? mana ada? mana boleh?? apasal tak bawa??" So I told him politely to check my MyKad using a reader if he has one which obviously he don't.

Now, am i guilty or not for not carrying along my hard-copy driving license?
Sure got a lot people downloading it... :D

Good basis right but never work in real life.

Fact 1. Even when you got lawyer, your laywer cannot see you
when the IO is conducting an investigation with you.

Fact 2. You might not have proper clothing when in the lock up.

Fact 3. The magistrate always give an remand order when the
police request for it.

Fact 4. Most cases are never solved...
Originally posted by kelvinp@Apr 24 2006, 02:05 AM
Since this topic is about cops, i have a situation to tell here.

Last weekend I was stopped at a polis road block and the cop asked for my IC and driving license. I told the cop my driving license is programed in the MyKad. He gave me the surprised/pissed-off attitude and said "apa? dalam mykad?? mana ada? mana boleh?? apasal tak bawa??" So I told him politely to check my MyKad using a reader if he has one which obviously he don't.

Now, am i guilty or not for not carrying along my hard-copy driving license?
Yeah, what would be the verdict for this one? :getyourfactsright:
Sounds like there are a few lawyers in the house.... :p

OKOW, thanks for the link...

Rant: Unfortunately, in Malaysia "knowing your rights" for this particular purpose is about as useful as attempting to watch Astro when its raining!

Malaysia has no equivalent of the Police & Criminal Evidence Act (PACE) and as such, the rule of the "system" is that "If you cant afford a decent lawyer you're screwed".

Originally posted by popeadrian@Apr 24 2006, 09:27 AM
Sounds like there are a few lawyers in the house.... :p

OKOW, thanks for the link...

Rant: Unfortunately, in Malaysia "knowing your rights" for this particular purpose is about as useful as attempting to watch Astro when its raining!

Malaysia has no equivalent of the Police & Criminal Evidence Act (PACE) and as such, the rule of the "system" is that "If you cant afford a decent lawyer you're screwed".

Even if you did have a decent lawyer and he / she gets you out of harms way, you get screwed by them ( lawyers ) soon after that..... In Malaysia... Money talks... Bull shit walks....

Sad but True...
wei...wanna lynch mob lawyers...start another thread la.... :getyourfactsright: no hijacking....
....i believe this "red book" was not only compiled for the public in general but for the cops a reminder to most of them, especially those on beat duty and on the streets would either have "forgotten" (due to non application) or totally disregarded it for "self gains"
Defamation of Character of Lawyers is the cause for suit? Hmmm..... questionable :unsure:
Originally posted by popeadrian@Apr 24 2006, 11:40 AM
Defamation of Character of Lawyers is the cause for suit? Hmmm..... questionable :unsure:
Yeah more like Just pointing out their character itself would be like defaming them... or least thats how they look at it... :p :D

opps... am I gonna get a million defamation suits on my arsse after this ?? :blink:
Thread "Evolution" only-la..... natural progression in the course of a discussion :) How can that be theft?? :p

But not to digress....yeah, pointing out characteristics could be intepreted as defamation. But it really looks like lawyer getting a little touchy...might be good idea not to continue stating the obvious. Nanti kena blasting kan? Marah marah then all don't wantlah, eh? Sommore with the number of cars having those "bar council badges" on the license plate a bit worrying.....way too many "lawyers" being churned out these days. What ever happened to "quality not quantity", eh???

Originally posted by jarance@Apr 24 2006, 08:38 AM
Sure got a lot people downloading it... :D

Good basis right but never work in real life.

Fact 1. Even when you got lawyer, your laywer cannot see you
when the IO is conducting an investigation with you.

Fact 2. You might not have proper clothing when in the lock up.

Fact 3. The magistrate always give an remand order when the
police request for it.

Fact 4. Most cases are never solved...
very true jarance... been there before :getyourfactsright:

the poli** dun care a shi.t about it.

my 2 cents. :angry:
No...not really...

Was helping a friend... Spent 2 days at the police station trying to bail
him out.. Got lawyer with me also... guess what? also cannot see him..

Finally kautim with some thing under the table...she...eesh...
Originally posted by jarance@Apr 25 2006, 07:25 AM
No...not really...

Was helping a friend... Spent 2 days at the police station trying to bail
him out.. Got lawyer with me also... guess what? also cannot see him..

Finally kautim with some thing under the table...she...eesh...
So whats the point of coming out with this Red Book?

bloody 3rd world country...
Its pretty much a PR stunt... make the Public think that:-

1. the Rights are enshrined and offer protection
2. the lawyers are actually helpful when needed
3. its a level/fair playing field.

Bollocks to it all.... money talks at the end of the day. If it didnt, there wouldnt be so many cases of "misguided" application of the penal system.
Originally posted by popeadrian@Apr 25 2006, 11:01 AM
Its pretty much a PR stunt... make the Public think that:-

2. the lawyers are actually helpful when needed

Ultimate PR stunt that..... :p :D

How Humane they can seem before and how evil they can be later.... Do you think our judiciary system is fair, just and above all dignified.... Go figure
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