rattling/ cranking sound from engine

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Jul 11, 2005
hallo all.... :D i read somewhere in this forum, someone changed to projet fuel & developed ticking sound.well, i changed to projet too from my regular brand and after 1 full tank, a deep, cranking/rattling/ kung kang kung kang noise developed from my engine . very significant if i rev slowly and let go...(like the sound of kancil or proton's tappet while under acceleration). this has never happened before i changed fuel.can any sifu advice on what to to? shouild i change back to my regular brand?many thanks...
Yo Jack, don't used the project fuel, your valve is tickling.... use normal fuel though.
I don't think you can blame the petrol for something like this.
I used to just pump at any station when i ran low and have never experienced anything like this before.

During your full tank drive, some other thing may have happend.

I'll leave to the Sifu's on this site who know better to tell you what might have gone wrong... am sure one will be along soon. But i can tell you this it was not the gas.

thanks all...checked with my trusty mech...he said fuel could be the culprit. I'll try and change and report the results. hope anyone with exp can shed some light....
I think Tyke's experienced this before with Projet... Tyke.. where are you?
Originally posted by khalidm3@Aug 23 2005, 09:39 AM
hallo all.... :D

i read somewhere in this forum, someone changed to projet fuel & developed ticking sound.

well, i changed to projet too from my regular brand and after 1 full tank, a deep, cranking/rattling/ kung kang kung kang noise developed from my engine . very significant if i rev slowly and let go...(like the sound of kancil or proton's tappet while under acceleration). this has never happened before i changed fuel.

can any sifu advice on what to to? shouild i change back to my regular brand?

many thanks...

Sounds like yr engine pinging-possible cause is using lower octane fuel- are you using ron92 fuel?
get a mechanic to check your tuning

btw am using projet ron92 and no such problems. :wink:
seem like pinking/knocking or the more technical term - pre-detonation...

which fuel? 92 or 97. u shouldn't have problem with RON97 unless some hanky panky went on for the fuel from that station..
i think i'm using RON97 (green hose)
yellow hose RON92 right?...

well, its taking forever to finish the fuel..even a friend suggested that i empty it into his car.... :hmmph:

anyway, will there be any damage tio the engine?

the moment u mentioned bout this kung kang2 problem, i've already pump in full tank of projet RON92..... coz it cheaper... :D

try to focus on any cranking sound from the engine...but so far can't detect any...juz my 2 cents...
I using Project 92...n giving a very good performance .....Not face this problem so far.....
mie, its the noise that u detected kat projet the other day..

eh, i sent u PM ...takde baca ke? hehehehh hang la ni dok racun2...
Originally posted by fabianyee@Aug 24 2005, 09:50 AM
seem like pinking/knocking or the more technical term - pre-detonation...

which fuel? 92 or 97. u shouldn't have problem with RON97 unless some hanky panky went on for the fuel from that station..
Hullo boss

yes sounds like a case of pre-mature detonation..better not press the pedal too hard! possible yr petrol has some water mixed in.. :p
yikess...!!! what to do now? pur in fuel line cleaner? i already tekan until 150kph...to finish up the petrol faster :eek:
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