Questions on getting a recond BMW E60 525i LCI 2007

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Club Guest
Dec 2, 2012
Hi guys, how r u all? Been posted on newbies section but no reply...Been reading through the forum about Beemers. Interested to get a recond 525i E60 2007 LCI model this coming January 2013 as i will be back for vacation a month. My first car and first beemer too. Working onboard yacht in Tahiti, French Polynesia. Also been survey in and for recond E60. Few questions to ask these old timers and experience guys around here...1. Whats the current market price for a 525i 2007 LCI recond? Saw some in posted by those car recond seller. Some were 210k+ and some are 170k+.. Are there any different in term of the condition?2. What to inspect or look out the car before buying esp these recondition cars? Are they considered same as used cars? What i do know is been used in JApan or UK and bring here to sell. But before putting up for sale, do they repair it if any faults? Not very good in Cars...3. Whats the interest rate of the bank currently (Any bank) for a recondition car loan? 4. Are these recond cars hard to maintain?Sorry for lots of question..Thanks and Hope to hear from you guys....
Q: 4, is not hard to maintain, but is $$$ need more to maintain, as one of my buddy said, if u want more comfortable, just sacrify your $$$$....
the e60 LCI recond comes with a different engine than the ones sold by BMW Malaysia (SKD - semi knocked down). It uses an N53 magnesium engine, 3.0 litre and detuned. Parts may be a bit different than the N52 or M54 used in E60s. Some issues with fuel compatibility. You may search in this forum on this (keyword: N53 or E60 LCI imported/recond). The rest should be similar.

Also to note that if you get the Jap spec - radio, GPS compatibility issues. Radio can kawtim. GPS, no luck for quick conversion. Mods is the only way. You won't suffer for UK specs one though. Make sure you check thoroughly as mileage might be tampered. Jack the car up and go through every nook and cranny and plug the baby into the diagnostic machine to check service history and errors

If I were you, I will certainly go for the LCI one, preferably the last batch of SKD e60 525i (should be year 2009 to 2010). Price should be in the region of between RM190 to RM210k range. As to getting a complete diagnosis check and other mechanical checks, I would recommend that you send the car to Wearnes Autohaus (BMW authorized dealer). Said check & test will only cost you about RM150.00 and you will have a complete report of the car.
Those SKD are Local spec or those import recond? Sorry,really noob about cars thou.
Are thouse dealer allow us to take it to the shop you mention before buying it?

Herbert;787958 said:

If I were you, I will certainly go for the LCI one, preferably the last batch of SKD e60 525i (should be year 2009 to 2010). Price should be in the region of between RM190 to RM210k range. As to getting a complete diagnosis check and other mechanical checks, I would recommend that you send the car to Wearnes Autohaus (BMW authorized dealer). Said check & test will only cost you about RM150.00 and you will have a complete report of the car.

SKD ones are with local specs and you won't face any problems with radio, GPS or the whatnots as compared to those re-cond/used from UK and Japan. Further more, for SKD cars, you can easily verified the history/service records of the car with BMW Malaysia dealers but you can't do the same for re-cond/used from UK and Japan.

Yes, Wearnes Autohaus will gladly do the checks for you because you are now a club guest of BMW Club Malaysia and hopefully you will join us as Official member after you have gotten your car.
Looking foward to join the Official Club.. Will try to look for it..thanks a lot bro..really appreciate your guide..:top:
Bro chefwilson,

I would suggest u to get 523 UK LCI spec....if possible search for m sport version ....
Will try to find it...

Any good dealer to recommend if recond? possible with warranty from the dealer.. Also saw someone posted about a dealer name Beemer in PJ. Is that shop cheap compared to other dealer??
I search the forum and saw some nice article... Mostly commented on recon cars. It does worries me about these bad lemon and upgrades ie CCC...Also dont want to be conned as im a newbie to get my first car...
But the interest rate compared to used is a bit lower and registered as a new car.

Used cars as suggested is cheaper, local CKD plus dont need to upgrade anything. but the mileage is high, unsure about the condition or how the previous owner use it and bank interst higer a bit with higher downpayment as im noob about this and this my first beemer.

Also heard from close friends and relatives saying that BMW cars are high maintainance and expensive too.. is it true? Such as wear and tear, or kena bad lemon.. Any experience?

More suggestion please..As others try to approach me on getting a Japs car or a Merc...really pening liao but still insist to get a BMW. Loved the design. But dont want end up regret getting a car which not up to expectation...


rozaidirazali;788114 said:
Bro chefwilson,

I would suggest u to get 523 UK LCI spec....if possible search for m sport version ....
FYI - I got my E60 from Beemer in PJ (Jalan University) to be exact.
Normally we would always look for the best deal ie. Cheapest whole shopping for new car. Believe me when I said that my quest for the perfect E60 had brought me to countless car dealer in Klang Valley - from Cheras to Downtown KL to Jalan Ipoh before walking through Beemer's door.
First impression was good as they deal mainly with exotic cars. Their boss is huge fan of Porsche so expect to see few units in the showroom. I would say that in terms of price, they are definitely not the cheapest in town. I have found shortlisted a few units ranging from RM280k to RM300k (depending on specs). But it was the hunch and feel good factor that made me bought from Beemer.
Prior to my purchase, I have already joined BMWCM as forumer to ask for guidance. Frankly the more you read about the potential problems, the more you'd be scared into buying. Problems like makan minyak hitam, active steering fault, etc.. You'd have think twice about buying E60.
Bear in mind that there is no 100%.. there are bound to be lemon in everything. What you can do to protect yourself is to engage someone with diagnostic machine in order to check for problems as well as real mileage. Yes most (if not all) dealers will temper with the odometer especially registered one. If you want low mileage car, go for Japanese spec.. 2007 and 2008 models are quite cheap now but to be safe, request the car to be checked to see if there's any tempering with the odometer.. If u can fork $$$ for an E60, what's a couple hundred of ringgit to you?? Just for piece of mind bro! Most of the time, Japanese spec E60 is the safest choice as most of them really have low mileage (my E60 clocked 11000km only and proven with the diagnostic machine).. The only thing to worry about is the radio frequency with up to 90GHz so not many choices of radio station available.
However, nothing is impossible.. Look through the showroom for my thread - now I can watch DVD, listen to radio and songs via USB.. You just have to spend some $$$ to create your dream ride :top:
If you love E60.. Go for it! If you are worried about the maintenance then might as well forget it. Let say you clock 30000km every year, 4 tyres already cost ard 3600 (can get expensive if you use Continental brand), average service 600 every 10000km is RM1800 total not including brake pad + sensor, spark plug x 6 units, and other miscellaneous stuff along the way.. Please allocate RM10000 just in case! Hopefully it's not that high but hey we never know ;D
All the best bro!!!
Thanks for your reply...yup did saw your car in the Showroom section..good job!

Yup, made up my mind to get this e60..wait for my post about it..
Thanks a lot for all the info and guidelines.. Still hunting around to find a good deal and will be back for test drive n etc..
Cheers guys and hope to join you all for TT soon..
Good day Guys,

I have called up to a dealer and he also sent me an email about it. A few question to ask...

Is it in good shape? From the picture it is but since im now in Tahiti, Will get back to check..

Whats the difference between 2007 LCI and 2008 LCI? Is it a major difference?

Because the price he quoted me is RM207k for 2008 M-sport 2.5 Japan spec. Is it the market price? or expensive then market price...

He also gave me the VIN number to check and its a 2008 model. Now just waiting for me to go and test drive.

Heres the link to the advert

chefzwilson;791840 said:
Good day Guys,

I have called up to a dealer and he also sent me an email about it. A few question to ask...

Is it in good shape? From the picture it is but since im now in Tahiti, Will get back to check..

Whats the difference between 2007 LCI and 2008 LCI? Is it a major difference?

Because the price he quoted me is RM207k for 2008 M-sport 2.5 Japan spec. Is it the market price? or expensive then market price...

He also gave me the VIN number to check and its a 2008 model. Now just waiting for me to go and test drive.

Heres the link to the advert


Bro, you can consider this too.

Same spec, 525i m sport LCI year 2008. Almost RM40k cheaper.
My friend bought exactly the same spec last nov at the price of RM219k(recon).....
2nd hand would be cheaper but the interest rate is lil higher (3.8-4.0%)...the mileage might be higher...
Recon u can get bank loan with the interest rate of a new car (2.35-2.5%)....low mileage(if never being tempered)...

Sometimes, the phrase frequently used in many advertisement "see to appreciate" play big part in the decision making....
If u have somebody u know(mech)... Go check the car n if the dealer allow the car to be diagnosed pls do so....

At the end of the day....2nd hand or recon will roughly have same installment amount (but different total loan amount n number of years), see, appreciate n try to get the best value for ur money....+.....pray hard...+ be an official member of the club once u got the car...

All the best n good luck....

Ps: ring me if u want to have teh Tarik once u r back in kl....merci beaucoup
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