Price of a 2003 330i SMG?

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Club Guest
Dec 18, 2004
Well, the few of you who know me here will also know that I drive a 330i SMG (Reg. 2003, CBU of course). I had brought the car into Malaysia myself as it wasn't available in the country at the time (Don't think there's another 330i SMG here. There may be but not to my knowledge anyway. I certainly haven't seen any around.).Anyway, I'm intending to sell the car sometime in October/November 2005 as Í'll be leaving the country. Mileage on the car will almost certainly be under 40,000km when I sell it (in October/November) and it has a full service history.A couple of people (including from this forum) have asked about buying it. Problem is, because the car is relatively rare (and was probably never sold by Auto Bavaria or Car Trade here), Í'm not sure what the market value of it will be come October/November. What was the price of a regular automatic E46 330i? Not aiming to make too much money from the sale. Just asking for a fair price as I have had lots of fun with it and I would prefer to sell it on to someone who would appreciate it (I know some of you will be skeptical about that last sentence but really, it's true. I don't like to haggle. Once I have a number in my head, you meet it, the deal's done. It's yours.). So what do you guys reckon (seriously lah, pls don't tell me RM5 and a glass of teh tarik)? Grateful for any comments/views you may have.On a personal note, I am really going to miss the car. It has provided lots of good (driving) memories. Problem for me is that the missus would prefer that I get something more practical (i.e. SUV? *sigh* Nothing wrong with SUVs of course, just not sure if that's my style.) in the next country we're going to. Will probably have to wait until I'm balding and approaching 55 years old before I can get another fast car. Ah well... at least I had fun while I could right?
E46 330iA prices tend to be very low- because people who buy second hand BMWs tend to look for cost savings (ie. they're aspirational buyers) in maintainance/road-tax/insurance/fuel consumption, hence you will find that weedy 1.8/2.0L cars will hold their value much better than a thumping 3.0L car.

SO, yes, of course the ideal scenario would be selling to a fellow enthusiast who will appreciate the car (and hence pay top dollar!). But unfortunatly, even enthusiasts will have a sense of value, and though rare, your SMG does bring along a whole host of other problems, like; perceived extra maintainance, and I don't believe is "special" enough to command much of a premium, if any, over the autobox. Of course, I'm not a potential buyer, nor am I in the industry, and I do hope I'm proven wrong.

Hence, I would reccommend you give Simon of Obermier a call, and ask him if he has any customers who would like a 330i SMG, and not really rely on this forum for potential customers (unless you really like smiling at and declining the the "RM5 and a teh tarik" offer), since most of the people on this forum already have BMWs, and are not looking to upgrade.
Read through my posting and realised that I didn't answer your question- whoops!

For an '03 (year of manufacture?) E46 330i SMG, I think you'd be looking around the RM230k mark.

I hope that corresponds with that "number in your head"!

The only 330i SMG I have come across was with a dealer along Jln Imbi; this was several months ago. The car was a second owner, in teribble condition; resprayed and had a leaks on around the engine. It was manufactured 2001 reg 2002 (pre-facelift) and the dealer was pushing it for RM 240 before neg. Anyway, it was lying there for the longest time...

AB has a few good CBU 330i fully imported models with high specs, tv monitor, etc. manufactured 2004 with warranty going for RM 300K before nego.

SMG targets a different driver community - - So I guess it is a willing buyer and seller call...But if your car is manufactured in 2002 and registered in 2003, the value should be between RM 220-230K....
I would say anywhere between RM215k - RM230k depending on condition. Not many people would pay RM200k++ for an old model especially you are in "Malaysia Market", just like what The_Necc said, even enthusiasts have a sense of value.

I believe your 330i can found a new owner, but it takes time my friend.
I sold off my 2001 E46 330Ci 2 months back for RM215k. Fully Ori AC kitted with Ori 18" AC Type 3 rims.
Well, I find that the perception does exist in Malaysia that certain makes/types of cars are more expensive to maintain than others but ultimately I believe that it all boils down to your luck, i.e., whether you bought yourself a lemon of a car or not.

I haven't found ownership of the 330i SMG to be significantly more expensive than my wife's car (another continental make which is also surprisingly cheap to maintain.). Perhaps I've been lucky in that both cars have not given me any serious cause for concern. Having said that, to be fair, you can't compare the cost of owning a car like the 330i SMG to say an old Perodua where you can pick up spare parts for it at your local Carrefour.

At the end of the day, it is about what you're looking for. I had an E46 auto 325i to use for quite a while and to be honest, it offered no where near the thrills and performance the 330i SMG offered. I felt that the 330i engine always had more in reserve and I can honestly say I have never floored the acceleration (my wife won't let me.... haha) but it still moves like a bat out of hell.
Oh! another quick question. Any idea how much the total tax payable on my 330i SMG might be? Approximately? Not talking about road tax here but more in terms of tariffs and import taxes. Thanks!

dude, tell me about it. I used to own a 330iA.

Still, one man's crusade cannot change public perception, especially since it's in the public's interest to go with common perception!

Everyone knows that a 330 is vastly superior to a 325... but are they willing to pay for it, or more importantly, can they afford it?

But your statement about never flooring it... dude, you are a wuss!!!
(and have very low expectations about how bats move outta hell)

What can I say? I'm a law abiding sort of fellow. haha. Plus the fact that I often have a baby in the car... As far as I know, babies don't like being subjected to G-forces.

Having said that, when the red light turns green, I don't have to floor it to be at the other end of the junction before the other cars even move off.
polit : if u don mind, cld u furnish on the car specs pls? i.e accessories etc. u cld pm me if u opt to.

thanx. :)

rgds, B)
kahar abdullah
Thanks guys for all the queries about the car (including PMs). Tell you what, sometime in late Sept or early Oct, I'll post again and those still interested can contact me to come have a look at the car. Much easier that you see/test drive it rather than I list out the specs and/or put out photos of it.
I think it'll be worth more than a 330iA but not by much. There are a few hungry enthusiasts already in the forum waiting to snap your car up I believe. Rarity is a good thing, esp. when there is an enthusiast market demand for it.

If you car (facelifted I presume) comes with the WORKS, TV monitor, full spec, options, and condition is first class, you can ask for RM245k range and see la.
Originally posted by The Necessary@Aug 16 2005, 10:08 PM

dude, tell me about it. I used to own a 330iA.

Still, one man's crusade cannot change public perception, especially since it's in the public's interest to go with common perception!

Everyone knows that a 330 is vastly superior to a 325... but are they willing to pay for it, or more importantly, can they afford it?

But your statement about never flooring it... dude, you are a wuss!!!
(and have very low expectations about how bats move outta hell)

maybe if you actually dug your own pocket to pay for the car, maintainence and roadtax, you'd feel it...
its a lot easier swipping your parents cc and not think about it..
for ppl wanting to buy a 330i or a 325i, the differance is 1800 or 800 bucks which any rational person 'without' a deep pocket would think is a lot..considering its only what under 40HP more?
so give the other not so fortunate ppl a break. but yes i can understand how annoying it is when they start with the cost of owning a 3.0. i think they should keep their mouth shut and let those that can afford and willing to do so say something.

got a bad case of sour grapes, eh?

Beyond that... I really don't understand what you're ranting on about! You quoted my posting- which outlined why 3.0L cars will not hold their values as well as 1.8/2.0L cars, acknowledging that costs play a big role in car purchase values- and you're dissing me for... what exactly?

And as for me shooting my big fat fingers off again... well, I was merely sharing my experiences in attempting to sell my beloved 330iA, hence I do think I'm being very reasonable in posting... unlike you with the thrash that you pollute this thread with...

Get a life, my friend.
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