..police bluffing..

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There are honest policemen out there I'm sure. The only reason we don't bump into them is cause they're actually doing REAL police work instead of setting up road blocks and preying on the public.
stig;710961 said:
Come on la... don't tell me all the cops you talked to before are dishonest. On my end, I have been pulled over for 3 genuine offenses and all the cops never asked for duit before.

Anyways a little story: Last night me and a friend wanted to cari pasal with the police at a road block. Approach road block, wind down window with music blasting.

Cop: Pergi mana encik
Friend: Pergi minum
Me: Minum teh tarik jer!
Cop: Boleh tunjuk lesen?
/me reaches for lesen, luckily renewed
Cop: Ini lesen bila renew?
Me: Tahun lepas
Cop: Berapa bayar renew?
/me is happy that the police wanted to cari pasal with me
Me: Tak ingat la bro...
Cop: ok... boleh pergi

Moral of the story, cops are nice people!

I agree bro ... I have immense respect for the police force. They put their lives on the line for us on a daily basis, come rain or shine there's always the traffic police manning the roads during rush hour, whenever we need their assistance they're there to help and assist. Not all coppers are bad only a small minority that's giving the police force a bad name. 'Jangan kerana nila setitik rosak susu sebelanga'

loafer;711077 said:
There are honest policemen out there I'm sure. The only reason we don't bump into them is cause they're actually doing REAL police work instead of setting up road blocks and preying on the public.

Bro sometime road blocks is crucial in helping to reduce road accidents or fatalities a good example is the Penchala Link ... There's been several fatalities on that stretch and because of that police have been setting up speed trap and road blocks ever since to catch and deter speeding motorist. Those that frequent the stretch will slow down in anticipating a police road block in effect reducing their speed thus reducing chances of an accident due to speeding.

For me anyway 98% of the time it was me that was at fault. Usually a smile and a cool demeanour (and also apologetic) works wonder and they usually let me off with a warning.
B33mEr;711104 said:
For me anyway 98% of the time it was me that was at fault. Usually a smile and a cool demeanour (and also apologetic) works wonder and they usually let me off with a warning.

ha ha ha 330 and with a smile ... :)
I've more than my fair share of this "police bluffing" thingy:

1. from Kerinci Link towards Hartamas, just after Science Centre (yes, their regular spot)
2. Elite after exit toll to Shah Alam
3. Karak highway after Bukit Tinggi east bound
4. East Coast Highway before Temerloh east bound
5. NSE near Slim River north bound
6. NSE near Tangkak north bound

In all these occasion I was accused of speeding above speed limit, I insisted that I was not and I was let off without any incident. So if you think you are not guilty, don't be afraid to state your stand.
I had experienced both the good and bad cops... For the good cops, I thanked them for manning the roads during rush hours (so that I can get to the office on time). For the bad cops, I hated them simply because they wanted some extra cash i.e. ang pow from me even I wasn't breaking any law. On my end, it happened twice...
Incident #1 (May 2010): Making an emergency break at a traffic light during rush hour (a car cutting in from the left i.e. road bank), the next thing that I can remember is a kelisa banged into my rear. Some scratches but no dent or crack on my rear bumper. As for the kelisa, front bumper dropped, bonnet kemek and both headlights broke into pieces. Went to make a police report so that I can claim the insurance. To my suprised, was told by the 'bad' cop that I should forget about making a police report since my ride it's still ok compared to the badly 'injured' kelisa. Kononnya, asked me to have some simpaty towards the kelisa onwer (who is a 'young and good looking' Malay lady by the way). I refused to do so since it wasn't my fault. If I didn't make an emergency break, then I will be the one who will bang into the stupid car that cut into my lane from the road bank. The bad cop threaten to give me a summon for "making an emergency break at a busy traffic light during rush hour which will endanger others" if I make a police report. Where is the law?
Incedent #2 (a week b4 CNY 2012): On my way home after office, during rush hour. Driving at 50-60km/h since the road is quite congested. Stop by a bad cop at a road block just 2 kms away from home. Pulled over and the cop said: "encik, cakap guna handphone. Ini salah tau?" (while tapping his summon booklet on my side window). I knew he is looking for ang pow... Without saying a word, I point to my left ear and showed him my tiny "gigi biru". He smiled and then went around my ride for a 360 degree and came back and said: "cantik lah kereta u ni. Berkilat!" and walked off.
Sharing my story which happened about 5 years back when i was serving with one of the Govt. Authorities under PM's Office. I was on the way to JB from KL and was stopped for speeding after Skudai Toll Plaza. I admit to my mistake, i was doing 140Km/h and the cop took advantage of the situation and suggest for a "different kind" of settlement. I told him that i will not agree to his demand and ask to issue out the ticket. Further, i'll make sure his police ID number will reach the CPO Johor for attempt to seek bribery.

Caught in the act, the policeman then asked whom i was working for and why am I in such a rush? Still with my necktie and line-yard on, I showed him my ID and with a serious voice i told him that "i'm with the PM's Office and i am on official duty carrying an urgent document for my boss who needs it for his meeting with MB in 30 Mins. He's now waiting for me at MB's Residence. By the way, the CPO will be there too. In need to be there by 2145 hrs and it's now 2130 hrs, i'm late and where's my summon?"

He apologize and i took the chance to nagging him to stop taking bribery, "it's haram." Pity the wife and kids... you should be doing your job properly bla,bla,bla....

He just let me off the hook 15 seconds later...
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