..police bluffing..

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May 10, 2010
..today I was riding back to KL, and, traditionally, I always setup autocruise and just relaxing with music..speed was ALL the time 100km/h, so i was surprised when policeman, somewhere just before Ipoh, show me to step out of the lane..so I did it..he came, we had nice talkie and he asked me why Im pulled off, so I said I do not know why, then he told me (as i was expecting), speed limit, so on his surprise, I rejected any possible accusation for speeding up..when he persisted, I just opened tachometer and show him curve on display, all way along about 100-105 km/h..then he was mumbling something and went away to check car plate number, and let me go without summon...Im wondering how many of this bluffings people actually pay..I really don't like when I see that officer trying to screw me for nothing..literally..im really wondering how many people getting caught for nothing..sigh..
I am embarrassed and ashamed, but have heard such stories... :(
It happened to me once or twice many years ago.. When i didnt agree to the bluff even though he threatened to send me a so called film captured on the speeding camera and double the fine, he finally let me off. But not before being scolded by his superior , a sgt i think. That superior even threatened jail time if i talked some more! I was young then, and it was a turning point in my life when i lost faith in the pxxxxx force and gomen.
..i was really sad about it..doesnt matter money for summon or things like that..its just feeling that those I was expecting to be some sort of protection, are not..so, my kind advise is, every time you guys going out there, make sure that you have your trip log on GPS enabled (or any other device you may use, with similar feature)..it helps and it is evidence..
happen to me twice, i was speeding, got pulled over and was told i was going to be issued a summons. i told the cop to do it. and on both times i got a warning and was let off.
ecco....its normal. any way to make money they will use it. :)

btw....called u last week but u didn't answer. so thought maybe you're overseas on holiday. I have all the info for your new little project. :) call me when you have the time.
Curve? what curve? where can I find this curve on display?
Mine is E60 2006.
I encontered similar episode in my college day
Was driving my mom's W202 C200 sedately to the Airport to pick up my Dad,
I was doing 90kph.
Pulled over by massive road block which every conti cars were stopped
Police came up to me and said i was speeding, speed limit 90 and I was doing 95kph
told him i do not have a digital speedometer and very difficult to tell whether i am on the dot 90 at all time.
he was persistent eventhough i told him the calibration of such machine and car should allow 10% variable as a yardstick.( Quote DVLA UK) he just insisted was my fault and wanted to " Settlement"
At the end gave him 30 bucks to be released as was late to the airport.

Verdict is, when a police want to fine you, they find all way

I got saman for invalid registration plate for a singapore registerred car! got pulled over and asked to do Settlement too which I refused.
Astronyu;710461 said:
Curve? what curve? where can I find this curve on display?
Mine is E60 2006.
..sorry bro, i forgot to mention, I was riding in my range rover..

@ ramsing
im sorry bro..i was not in kl over past 9 days, so phone line was screwed i guess..just let me know what time will be more convenient for talkie ;)
Both the Gua Tempurung and Changkat Jering section of the speedway before and after Ipoh is 80~90kph.. so even at 100kph, they can still give you a ticket. :4:
After reading all the above posts, I just remembered... I have yet to meet an honest cop! SIGH...
Whoa! Happened to me too, somewhere north of Johor along the NS highway. I just die die tell the cop that I am using cruise control and it wont exceed the speed limit. He not happy look at plate number here and there and finally gave me verbal warning not to "speed" again. Aduh!
A friend posted a story on FB on how her dad got pulled over in their Alphard. Her dad asked the cop why he was pulled over and the cop said that it's now illegal to have curtains in the car, new ruling apparently. My friend's dad promptly told the cop "Saman la, saya ada duit bayar". Guess what, the cop let him off.

Cops will do anything nowadays just to earn a few bucks and they will say anything and everything to get it. They prey on the fact that the public is clueless about the traffic regulations and such. I myself have gotten off numerous times when I refused to bribe the cop for whatever traffic violation he said I did, even when I know I'm in the wrong.
Bad Cop...
Exactly the same thing happened to me....twice! Going at 110kph using the cruise control but they say i'm doing 120km/h. Insisted I did nothing wrong and was let go. The 2nd time I waited 1 minute for someone to come along but nobody came. Just sped off.

Is there a briefing of this sort of tactic that's being used in the entire police force?

Good Cop...
Had an accident. Tow truck guy says the police wants RM150 as "settlement" do some report. Was clueless and was told its procedure. Paid the tow truck guy to pay the police. Later got called by the police that they did not accept any RM150 but report will be generated for insurance claim. Damn tow truck fella! I did not pay the tow truck fees later.
Usually just tell them to send the summon to your home. They will have no choice but to give "warning" and let you go should they pulled you just for extra income due to no evidence.

This also happen to one of my relative. He was following behind a lorry at 50s - 60s and got pulled over because of speeding. Instead the usual banter, he pulled out Quran and asked that police to sumpah that he stopped my relative because of speeding.

He said if he really is speeding, a bad diarrhea will occur later and if the police is lying, he instead got it. He got off with a "warning" and branded gila by the police.
i used to travel from SG - to KL every weekend using SG plate car. Without fail - Gelang Patah road block, Kulai speed trap, Tangkak road block, Jasin speed trap.
Kena stop countless time , infact kena chase twice by the Waja Patrol car. Same excuse - speeding bla bla bla. I never paid a single cent not received any summons.
Towards the end - laaaa .. abang lagi .. errr .. jalan aje lah bang .... :)

Did not happen when i drive my MY plate car pulak ... maybe too fast to take picture . he he he..
BlackCat;710619 said:
After reading all the above posts, I just remembered... I have yet to meet an honest cop! SIGH...

Come on la... don't tell me all the cops you talked to before are dishonest. On my end, I have been pulled over for 3 genuine offenses and all the cops never asked for duit before.

Anyways a little story: Last night me and a friend wanted to cari pasal with the police at a road block. Approach road block, wind down window with music blasting.

Cop: Pergi mana encik
Friend: Pergi minum
Me: Minum teh tarik jer!
Cop: Boleh tunjuk lesen?
/me reaches for lesen, luckily renewed
Cop: Ini lesen bila renew?
Me: Tahun lepas
Cop: Berapa bayar renew?
/me is happy that the police wanted to cari pasal with me
Me: Tak ingat la bro...
Cop: ok... boleh pergi

Moral of the story, cops are nice people!
why do these policeman walk away to the rear side of your number plate ..etc ..ironically most of them do so ...

one of my buddy had the same scenario whereby he denied that he was speeding hence cause the policeman to walk over to the rear side of the car and to his amaze the policeman was pointing out to his rear tyre was almost bolding away and came back threatening him that he will forward his car registeration to JPJ ...dammm he was so pissed and end up took the ticket ...

so guys just be sure your tyres are in order and same time the number plates must follow the spec ..that's their style i assume ...
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