Pakatan to table radical solution to reduce car taxes?

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More jam on the road? Something need to be kept high.. road tax? Petrol? Toll? Now everything high! *&^%$#@!!
To me it's just a political ploy to divert our attention, hopping from one issue to another. This one is to grab the attention of the AP Kings.
they promised to remove the toll charges if they are in power. we gave them selangor, so prove it first.
enuf said.
let's talk about what we love the most...BMW
car import taxes reduction seem like a fantasy. more probable wishlist would include the standardization of road tax.
i think Pakatan's way into the heart of the rakyat is cheap cars and no road tax.. cos i believe certain large amount of votes come from people who owns cars..
I don't understand why we already pay OTT prices for cars, and get taxed a second time when we renew our annual road taxes. Why can't they follow what other countries are doing? UK, Thailand... Seems quite astonishing when I still am required to pay the same road tax as a 'new' 3.0L car for my 1987 E32.

Imagine how it feels when most of us don't want to go thru the hassle of getting the classic car road tax due to the hassles involved in making the car original without any mods... :stupid: So, will JPJ/Puspakom deem my E32 to not be ori when I have shod it with E60 rims and added some stickers on the windscreen?
I'll be happy if they only do ONE thing. ABOLISH APs. Really...its the most corrupt, shameful thing ever in Bolehland.
Because of the roadtax system, I'm deemed richer than a brand new E250 mercedes owner. My e36 328's roadtax cost me RM 1.6k and the E250 merc owner is only paying RM 278.40 for it.
they wont be able to drastically reduce new car taxes as what will happen to the present cars already on the road?..everybody will suffer a significant hit where by loans will be way way higher than the "market value"..probably what they will do would be exactly like what was done in 2006 where they reduced the tariff for passenger cars which in matter of fact caused a lot of used cars companies losses of million$ till many went bust. but its a step forward to reduce car prices...

only in malaysia a car cost more than an average house. How crazy is that???
John_Smith;604893 said:
Because of the roadtax system, I'm deemed richer than a brand new E250 mercedes owner. My e36 328's roadtax cost me RM 1.6k and the E250 merc owner is only paying RM 278.40 for it.

That E250 is using a turbocharged 1.8CC engine right?

Anyways, solid point.

Imagine, the E36 328i is like selling for around RM 30K plus at the moment, and the new E250, well, you know la how many zeroes behind the first digit, and yet, we're still forced to pay higher road tax for an older car...
i doubt the present generation finds any rationale behind our road tax regime. can you?
tombstone;604898 said:
they wont be able to drastically reduce new car taxes as what will happen to the present cars already on the road?..everybody will suffer a significant hit where by loans will be way way higher than the "market value"..probably what they will do would be exactly like what was done in 2006 where they reduced the tariff for passenger cars which in matter of fact caused a lot of used cars companies losses of million$ till many went bust. but its a step forward to reduce car prices...

only in malaysia a car cost more than an average house. How crazy is that???

Yes. Any drastic reduction in new car prices will have drastic effects on the car market...
Used car prices will tumble in accordance to the new car prices... when that happened, u're stuck with the current car bcos to sell it, u have to lose a big chunk or even top up the remainder loan amount to sell the car... So when nobody can sell their cars, how to buy new cars???? Only those without a car will benefit from lower new car prices...

It's not as easy as ABC to simply reduce prices for new cars... sigh....

I supposed the next best thing is to revamp the road tax structure.....
mizhan;604902 said:
i doubt the present generation finds any rationale behind our road tax regime. can you?

Road tax should commensurate with horsepower or fuel consumption (sin tax).. :4:
astroboy;604914 said:
Road tax should commensurate with horsepower or fuel consumption (sin tax).. :4:

a lot of grey areas when making comparison, that's why most countries just use a flat rate. already - bigger cars will use more fuel, owners pay more; expensive cars need more insurance coverage, owners pay more.
mizhan;604902 said:
i doubt the present generation finds any rationale behind our road tax regime. can you?

Care to enlighten? In the back of my mind, I'm thinking something to do with national car. :)
Eggie86;604899 said:
That E250 is using a turbocharged 1.8CC engine right?

Anyways, solid point.

Imagine, the E36 328i is like selling for around RM 30K plus at the moment, and the new E250, well, you know la how many zeroes behind the first digit, and yet, we're still forced to pay higher road tax for an older car...

Yeap, 1.8 turbocharged. It's really unfair that someone who cannot afford a brand new luxury car, has to pay more road tax than one who does. :(
John_Smith;604920 said:
Yeap, 1.8 turbocharged. It's really unfair that someone who cannot afford a brand new luxury car, has to pay more road tax than one who does. :(

Sooner or later, might just end up leaving the roundel cos cannot afford paying for fuel, and the annual road tax... Just boggles my mind really. We're already paying so much in terms of road tax and fuel for our admittedly, 'older' vehicles, and yet...

I'm just speechless la bro...

I shiver at the thought of not being able to enjoy driving BMWs anymore, all because of the ever-spiralling prices of everything.
AP is a shame ... its quite obvious ...
Toll lagi shame ... people still flood federal hway, highways are left to rot half the time, no wonder they never call it Freeway here. haha
Road tax GILA ... i cry paying this ...
Petrol, dunno heading where, policy changes like nobody business!!
Need to kill the the well "controlled" corruption structure 1st ... can start with killing Proton! ;)
I guess we just need 2 go look for more $$$
Enjoy while u still can afford it ...
Nothing will change ...
1 Malaysia
sachseelan;604927 said:
AP is a shame ... its quite obvious ...
Toll lagi shame ... people still flood federal hway, highways are left to rot half the time, no wonder they never call it Freeway here. haha
Road tax GILA ... i cry paying this ...
Petrol, dunno heading where, policy changes like nobody business!!
Need to kill the the well "controlled" corruption structure 1st ... can start with killing Proton! ;)
I guess we just need 2 go look for more $$$
Enjoy while u still can afford it ...
Nothing will change ...
1 Malaysia

Petrol and diesel subsidy should be reduced gradually..... Fishermen were selling subsidised diesel to foreign boats instead of actually fishing for fishes... Too many loopholes and as we know, fossil fuel is NOT INFINITE, it will run out one day... stop treating it like it'll be here forever...
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