Dok aperr bro haris... Yang penting battery tu free maintenance.. Kalu pakai battery air dok pakai gawaaa.. Nok kena top up sokmo air battery..kedai maner gok jual baterry carbon fibre tu...
Sorry guys, my son kena 'chicken-pox'... Semalaman menangis sebab gatal.. Tgh upload skang kt photobucket.. Will paste the link once completed.. Mintak maaf byk2...
Sorry guys, my son kena 'chicken-pox'... Semalaman menangis sebab gatal.. Tgh upload skang kt photobucket.. Will paste the link once completed.. Mintak maaf byk2...
No worries bro..was just joking about that kepale masuk air that why some jokes went overboard hehe. Family comes first Bro, nothing tops that no matter what..hope ur prince is healthy and kicking and playful once again.. :top: