Paka Kuantan TT (East Coast Bimmers)

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Date : 15 JAN 2012
Time : 2100 HRS
Venue : Chukai,Kemaman : Sonstar Kopitiam (if papardelle closed their business)
Guest of Paketan TT : mrwhy7 black 320d.

1. Namidub
2. mrwhy7
3. EC773
4. dunkdie
5. Cat

calling2 for Pakatan tt boys
cat_7766;706096 said:
Date : 15 JAN 2012
Time : 2100 HRS
Venue : Chukai,Kemaman : Sonstar Kopitiam (if papardelle closed their business)
Guest of Paketan TT : mrwhy7 black 320d.

1. Namidub
2. mrwhy7
3. EC773
4. dunkdie
5. Cat

calling2 for Pakatan tt boys
Mintok maaf banyok2 awok2.. Teman kena balik Lumut doh petang nie..tak puas bersama team east coast head one team...
kojak818;706102 said:
Mintok maaf banyok2 awok2.. Teman kena balik Lumut doh petang nie..tak puas bersama team east coast head one team...

Thanks for the stickers kojak..balik kmamang ble2 heloooo
Gambar....gambar.... gambar....

EC773 .... daydreaming sprinting with the 320d with the newly installed "supersprint exhaust".....

... bro fadhlan and the elephant look happy, all in the family kot :4: ....

...... bro muhaiminrahim counting the collection (still not enuf for my powerkit nie :4:)

..... The Lunch Venue in Temerloh :top: ...

... bro lefthanded (in blue) looking at the handing over of the ECB car sticker to dzuljazz2001 ...



....... VP explaining to the ECB geng on the sensitivity and restriction of the ECB car sticker in the BMWCM Forum ....

........ zak700, dzuljazz2001, nazrie, dunkdie, kojak818, EC773 ......

.... Focal Person (FP) muhaiminrahim explaining to OM dunkdie .."next time you pay first before wearing that wonderful red t-shirt, the children are complaining you know ...."

.... "kasihan me weeiii, that Bambino took all my fresh Patin" .....

... on behalf of BMWCM, an appreciation plaque to the event intiator/main host handed by our Prez JohnJ..

.... on behalf of BMWCM, a small token of appreciation by our VP dzuljazz2001 to Tuan Yuzlan for the support from PDRM :top: ...
kojak818;706102 said:
Mintok maaf banyok2 awok2.. Teman kena balik Lumut doh petang nie..tak puas bersama team east coast head one team...

Alamakk... Still at Aleong P1 installing my M5 kit... Can paoetponed tomorrow night or not? Ekzos tak pasang lagi...:102:
zack700;706148 said:
Alamakk... Still at Aleong P1 installing my M5 kit... Can paoetponed tomorrow night or not? Ekzos tak pasang lagi...:102:

...adoiii, ini Ah Leong ari Ahad oun cari makan.... kaaa ......
zack700;706148 said:
Alamakk... Still at Aleong P1 installing my M5 kit... Can paoetponed tomorrow night or not? Ekzos tak pasang lagi...:102:
Zack...wait for me..if u not mind ...i can help leong to install get you for tonight TT...hahhahaha..
zack700;706148 said:
Alamakk... Still at Aleong P1 installing my M5 kit... Can paoetponed tomorrow night or not? Ekzos tak pasang lagi...:102:

dzuljazz2001;706150 said:
...adoiii, ini Ah Leong ari Ahad oun cari makan.... kaaa ......

Inii Ah Leong banyak hepi maa, BMWCM official drive make him buat duit ma. Geng2 PaKeTan bnyk modding their cars kt P1
Date : 15 JAN 2012
Time : 2100 HRS
Venue : Chukai,Kemaman : Sonstar Kopitiam (if papardelle closed their business)
Guest of Paketan TT : mrwhy7 black 320d.

1. Namidub
2. mrwhy7
3. EC773
4. dunkdie

calling2 for Pakatan tt boys:help::proud::heeeelllllooooo::62::19::fight::deal::59::dancing2::100::embarassed::68:
Date : 15 JAN 2012
Time : 2100 HRS
Venue : Chukai,Kemaman : Sonstar Kopitiam (if papardelle closed their business)
Guest of Paketan TT : mrwhy7 black 320d.

1. Namidub
2. mrwhy7
3. EC773
4. dunkdie
5. muhaiminrahim (to confirm later.. anak demam tengok gajah!!)

calling2 for Pakatan tt boys:help::proud::heeeelllllooooo::62::19::fight::deal::59::dancing2::100::embarassed::68:

"anak demam tengok gajah!!" samalah kita anak aku negigau smlm heee :p
Date : 15 JAN 2012
Time : 2100 HRS
Venue : Chukai,Kemaman : Sonstar Kopitiam (if papardelle closed their business)
Guest of Paketan TT : mrwhy7 black 320d.

1. Namidub
2. mrwhy7
3. EC773
4. dunkdie
5. muhaiminrahim (to confirm later.. anak demam tengok gajah!!)
6. cat
Date : 15 JAN 2012
Time : 2100 HRS
Venue : Chukai,Kemaman : Sonstar Kopitiam (if papardelle closed their business)
Guest of Paketan TT : mrwhy7 black 320d.

1. Namidub
2. mrwhy7
3. EC773
4. dunkdie
5. muhaiminrahim (to confirm later.. anak demam tengok gajah!!)
6. cat
EC773;706165 said:
Inii Ah Leong banyak hepi maa, BMWCM official drive make him buat duit ma. Geng2 PaKeTan bnyk modding their cars kt P1

Sorry guys.. Need to install my quad exhaust first... Segan ler.. One sided exhaust with M5 bumper.. Malu oooo...:107:
zack700;706213 said:
Sorry guys.. Need to install my quad exhaust first... Segan ler.. One sided exhaust with M5 bumper.. Malu oooo...:107:

Tak payah segan Bro, mlm bukannya org nampak. Bro Haris pn nak mai....Jom TT
muhaiminrahim;706180 said:
Date : 15 JAN 2012
Time : 2100 HRS
Venue : Chukai,Kemaman : Sonstar Kopitiam (if papardelle closed their business)
Guest of Paketan TT : mrwhy7 black 320d.
1. Namidub
2. mrwhy7
3. EC773
4. dunkdie
5. muhaiminrahim (to confirm later.. anak demam tengok gajah!!)
calling2 for Pakatan tt boys:help::proud::heeeelllllooooo::62::19::fight::deal::59::dancing2::100::embarassed::68:

:listen: .... anak deman sbb balik Kertih naik Viva :4: ....... :vroam:...
Perutusan Khas buat VP Dzuljazz2001:listen:

Thank you for making my day by letting me drive your wonderful and powerful 335i.. from outside the 335i sure looks awesome.. once inside its like a whole other world.. could not compare the handling much as the DSC was ON all the time.. hehe.. :rock:

Then the monster under the hood was sure a beast not to play with.. I must confess I did tekan until redline.. giler punya beemer.. the 335i goes like crazy babe!! can tekan some more even at 2XXkm/hr!! wat I meant was the 335i still has torque at that speed when others don’t!! :smokin:

The akrapovic was not so audible from inside the cabin.. only realised the roar @ lanchang.. the sound was unlike the any I have heard.. very hard to explain here.. all I can say is that it was soothing to the ear..:thrasher:

Thank you again VP for a memorable experience.. I wont dare to play with your 335i even if I have a power kitted 320d.. your 335i makes the power kitted 320d feels power kitty..:turtle:
kojak818;706102 said:
Mintok maaf banyok2 awok2.. Teman kena balik Lumut doh petang nie..tak puas bersama team east coast head one team...

safe driving...thanks for the sticker!!!
muhaiminrahim;706218 said:
Perutusan Khas buat VP Dzuljazz2001:listen:

Thank you for making my day by letting me drive your wonderful and powerful 335i.. from outside the 335i sure looks awesome.. once inside its like a whole other world.. could not compare the handling much as the DSC was on all the time.. hehe.. :rock:

Then the monster under the hood was sure a beast not to play with.. I must confess I did tekan until redline.. giler punya beemer.. the 335i goes like crazy babe!! can tekan some more even at 2XXkm/hr!! wat I meant was the 335i still has torque at that speed when others don’t!! :smokin:

The akrapovic was really audible from inside the cabin.. only realised the roar @ lanchang.. the sound was unlike the any I have heard.. very hard to explain here.. all I can say is that it was soothing to the ear..:thrasher:

Thank you again VP for a memorable experience.. I wont dare to play with your 335i even if I have a power kitted 320d.. your 335i makes the power kitted 320d feels power kitty..:turtle:

whos next in line???...VP:top::top::top::64::19::39::69::15::4::67::45:
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