From my BB
From R&R Gambang kena cucuk by 2 E60s
Reached @exit Temerloh............VP dah tunggu
Di Temerloh...............Official cameraman yg ambik gambor
On the way back,
VP, Kojak, Splitter and me..............waiting Areh, 530 ke 503 Bro kesian pengantin kepanasan
Kat Legend Cherating bersama VP hantar pengantin check in, cabutssssssssss
Malam........kt Umah Datin,
Kesian kat budak2 tu, alasan nak balik awal hehehe
Dapat panggilan..................Kereta Kojak tayar pecoh, ECC Rescue team bergegas ke lokasi (me, Dunkdie & Cat)
Dah siap tukor, berpeluh Bro Kojak...........sabor bro lawo sport rim baru, tolong angkat tayar masuk dalam boot je lah.
Bro Kojak ask me to overtake him as his speed below 80km/hr............OK Bro, anything just hello.
Tak sampai 10 minit, tayar depan plk bocor...........adushhhh, Bro lefthanded bawak spare tire Haris. Tayar je sapa, Tuan balik hotel uploading photo katenye kekekekeke betul ke Bro???????????????
OK Bro2 je yg ade