Official BMWCLUB Shirt

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Any chance of getting the shirt before the 5th march.. Would be great to see everybody wearing it... :yahoo: :yahoo:
Originally posted by jarance@Feb 21 2005, 11:26 PM
Any chance of getting the shirt before the 5th march.. Would be great to see everybody wearing it... :yahoo: :yahoo:
Very slim chance. Once again, shoot those who didn't pay up earlier....hahaha.....

We'll try and check with the supplier if he can at least rush it out for those who will be attending the event first. Fingers crossed! :)

Then again, not everyone attending ordered the shirt.
Originally posted by Daredevil@Feb 21 2005, 09:07 PM

Very slim chance. Once again, shoot those who didn't pay up earlier....hahaha.....

We'll try and check with the supplier if he can at least rush it out for those who will be attending the event first. Fingers crossed! :)

Then again, not everyone attending ordered the shirt.
Then DD give to us Penang kia first, as we settle the payment first.
Good job to Hard gay ... :D
at least we already got the T-shirts. if no shirt, then can also wear the T's lor. :yes!:
Originally posted by c-square@Feb 22 2005, 06:05 PM
at least we already got the T-shirts. if no shirt, then can also wear the T's lor. :yes!:
The T-shirt is black in colour.. Look like we are attending a fxxxxxxxx..
Appreciate the enthusiasm but it's beyond our control now. Production of shirts has commenced. Honestly, I wouldn't want to rush them becos QC may be compromised. I'm sure you wouldn't want the one sleeve of your shirt to be longer than the other....hahaha... :D

Having said that, will talk to the supplier again..... :yes:

i attached a list of ppl who is attending and also who have ordered shirt..

Attached Image


My shirt size seems to have shrunk of late. Please reclassify as XL. Many thanks.

No. 48 - esterix
Can i still get one? xl? to whom should i pay to? how?

paid awwready for shirt and plates but no HH seems to be happening at souled out...

can collect on mar 5 at the big kahuna????

Pls contact fabian if you want to collect your plate holder before the Grand TT. :p
Soli a bit late but never mind I pay late penalty fee RM5 ok.
Men's Cut

1) Daredevil (1 x L)
2) wkwoo69 (1 x S)
3) jarance (1 x M)
4) yop1 (1xL)
5) BMW9700 (2 x M)
6) affan66 (1 x M)
7) magicfox (1 x L)
8) kevster30 (1 x XXL & 1 x M)
9) 3er (1 x L)
10) schone (1 xL )
11) fabianyee (1 x S)
12) saat (1 x XXL)
13) skycon (1 x XXL)
14)Rajan (1 x XXL)
15) Hitman (1 x XL or XXL)
16) elwine30 ( 1 X M)
17) Alvin (1 x S)
18) SSZ (1 x XL?)
19) flash (1 x M?)
20) mini_jeff67 (1 x S, 1 x L)
21) saintmikal (1 x M)
22) joe (1x XL, 1x L)
23) chinlai (1 x XL)
24) E46Fanatic (1 x L)
25) Anthony Ng (1 x XL, 2 x L)
26) HAMMAN (1 x XL )
27)tyke (1 x XXl)
28)bad4eva (1 x L)
29)mrHartge ( 2 XL)
30)mont-oya -1 x M
31)JYazid - (1 x XXL)
32)samms (1 x m)
33) Alex (1 x s)
34) Faiz (1 x XL or XXL)
35) dvng (1xL)
36) Crymson ( 1 x M or L)
37) rx7soo (1x s)
38) ParFive (1 X L)
39) TJ ( 1 X M)
40) Okow (1X L)
41) RD30 (1 X XXL)
42) c-square (1 L)
43) amizana (1 x XL)
44) XXX (1 x XL)
45) MTek1318 (2xL)
46) erica34 (1 x L)
47) mctnesh (1 x M)
48) OSFlanker (1 x M)
49) CAJ 19 (1xXL)
50) InDDy (1 x XL)
51) Mr595 (1 x m)
53) zamtresco (1 x L)
54) M30Revival (1 x S)
55) kahar abdullah (1 X L)
56) Hairy (1 x XL)
57) pussy (1 x L)
58) jeffreyewe (1 x L)
59) tom325 (1x XL)
60) Wirelessjunkie (1 x XXL)
62) Jimot (1x L )
63) ICEMAN 13 ( 3 X XXL )
64) henriylau (1x M)
65) ngkm (1x XL)
66)maverick (1x L)
67) Albundy 1* XXXL
68) Taipajer ( 1 x XL)
69) Jules ( 1 x M )
70) doramon (2x XXL)
71) Blidahb (1 x L)
72) Krazeepete (1XL)
73) Kinaka (1 x M)
74) bob (1 x XL)
75) lordv (2 x XL)
76) mc_e39 (2 x XXL)
77) xtracooljustin (2 x L)
78) GodSpeed (1 x XXL)
79) Creator (1 x M)
80) adliz (1 x M)
81) muzamil (1 x M)
82) isham101 (1 x L)
83) Josh (1 x L)
84) Zoggee ( 2 x L)
85) Kelvinp (1 x XL)
86) Vanquish ( 2 x M )
87) Lionel_Koh (1xM)
88) Eldrow (1 x S)
89) bmwky (1xS)
90) cks4888 (1 x XL)
91) vladd_tappish (1 x L)
92) Fomoco (1xXXXL)
93) aDrIaN (1xL)
94) L O N G (1 x L, 1 x M)
95) macdude (1 x M)
96) steven(zoggee's KOKO) - 1xL
97) yeap (stevens pal) - 1xL
98) LimTp (stevens pal) - 1xL
99) ahlai (antonys pal) -1xL
100) ace99 - 1xL
101) OPP - 1 x M
102) ah bee (jackie's pal) 1xL
103) puss (1xM)
104) 5201 (1xL)
105) soorian (1 L)
106) cysoon (1 XL)
107) KennyG (1 XL)
108) esterix (1 XL)
109) n5zm (1 XL)
110) mikeong (1 x L)

TOTAL = 120

Ladies Cut

1) dimples (1 x S)
2) Hitman (1 x S/M/or freesize)
3) Alvin (4 x S)
4) mini_jeff67 (1 x M)
5) Anthony Ng (1 x M)
6) HAMMAN (1 x S )
7)Mont-oya (1xs)
8)mrHartge (1 s , 1 m)
9)samms (1 x s )
10) Alex (1 x s)
11) dvng (1xs)
12) TJ ( 1 X S)
13) amizana (1 x S)
14) OSFlanker (1 x S)
15) pussy's girl (1 x M)
16) jeffreyewe (1 x M)
17) ICEMAN 13 (1 x M)
18)maverick (1x M)
19)jimot (1x M)
20) Al's wife (1 x L)
21) DJ Double D (1 x M)
22) Zoggee ( 2 x M)
23) cks4888 (1 x M)
24) muzamil (1x S)
25) puss (1x M)

Total = 29

The shirts will only be ready either end of this month or early March. Those who still hasn't paid up, kindly do so ASAP.
its ok jarance I saw in daredevil's list its there the lattest. sorry. :yahoo: l
Originally posted by esterix@Feb 23 2005, 12:10 AM

i attached a list of ppl who is attending and also who have ordered shirt..

Attached Image


My shirt size seems to have shrunk of late. Please reclassify as XL. Many thanks.

No. 48 - esterix
Sorry about that.. Typo mistake.. As the shirt cannot come out in time, the list is deem useless unless DD can pull a rabbit out of the hat...

DD do you stuff. :yes!:
Originally posted by rezzy3181@Feb 25 2005, 02:06 AM
its ok jarance I saw in daredevil's list its there the lattest. sorry. :yahoo: l
DD, could you be kind enough to update the list..

I confirmed that Blackcat and rezzy3181 have paid for their shirt. I have passed the monies to jeffreyewe during the Bukit Jelutong TT about 2 week back..

:getyourfactsright: :getyourfactsright:
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