not totally stop when braking

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Aug 3, 2014
My bmw e60 525i japan spec. When drive on higher speed then braking to totally still will be facing such issue that is when the car totally braked and come to stop, it will move forward a bit like the power no totally down or gear not totally switch to low gear. So now I had to buffer a bit of space before I stop my car. Anyone encouter such problem?
Vincent, i think your problem is a common one. Refer to the e60 thread titled "E60 jerk" Lots of comments and recommendation there.
Vincentnwc said:
My bmw e60 525i japan spec. When drive on higher speed then braking to totally still will be facing such issue that is when the car totally braked and come to stop, it will move forward a bit like the power no totally down or gear not totally switch to low gear. So now I had to buffer a bit of space before I stop my car. Anyone encouter such problem?
bro...if I understand you correctly,you are saying that when the brakes are applied,the car still feels like the accelerator is still being depressed and that you have difficulties stopping the car like the car is resisting to stop?
if my deduction is correct,I suggest you put the gear to N once you let go of the accelerator and step on the brake pedal and see if there is a behaviour change.If none,then you rissue is with the brake pads or discs.Have it replaced.
If got behaviour change,then perhaps your engine is still giving power even after you have released the accelerator.This wan you have to dig further lah.
Whatever the case,have this issue checked out ASAP as it is DANGEROUS.
Thanks for the advice. Checked wit the mech. He say tis is gearbox problem. If wan fix is overhaul. He suggest use till worn.
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