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Jul 5, 2013
Salam & Greetings,Just took delivery of a low mileage 2012 328 last week and growing addicted more and more each day with my new baby. Hoping to learn from the seniors here. Your kind sharing of knowledge and experience will be deeply appreciated.Have been reading previous posts and have learned a lot so far. Rusted seat frame- got it and will change under warrantySteering rack issue- not sure if I got it but I do notice when from slow speed I accelerate and slow back down again and when going over speed bump there is a "Tak Tak Tak" sound emanating from inside the driver foot well area as if something is loose. Turning the steering wheel left and right while stationary or driving there is no sound.Can somebody help identify what potentially is causing the "Tak Tak Tak" sound?.Planning to send the car to Service Centre to initiate the seat replacement process and will inform the SC about the noise but would love to hear the opinions from the seniors here first.Thanks in advance for your kind assistance.Regards
Bro Seeno sorry don't understand.

Do you mean the seat belt lock is banging against the middle arm rest console?
Welcome on board. Congrats on your new ride. The rusted seat frames is very common among the first few batches of f30. If you can live with it, I suggest you don't do anything as some owners experienced creaking noise after changing the seat frames. The noise could be due to poorly fastened seat frames. As for the Tak Tak sound, it's best to let the SC check it out on a test drive as the sound could come from many places.
View attachment 30896 i already sent my ride to bmw dealer shop and they found that the noise (tak tak tak) is come from this part! however they exchanged a new 1 for me under warranty, but the noise still back after few weeks....WTH and to be frank they already changed TWO TIMES but still SAME!!! BMW F30 SUX TO THE MAX all i can say!!
seenotype;833298 said:
View attachment 30896 i already sent my ride to bmw dealer shop and they found that the noise (tak tak tak) is come from this part! however they exchanged a new 1 for me under warranty, but the noise still back after few weeks....WTH and to be frank they already changed TWO TIMES but still SAME!!! BMW F30 SUX TO THE MAX all i can say!!

No offense bro, but maybe try changing dealer ?

You keep saying that your car has problems and its not getting rectified . (Posts all over the forum)

Perhaps its time you try a different service center who knows what they are doing ?

Just my 2 cents :)
omnimech;833750 said:
No offense bro, but maybe try changing dealer ?

You keep saying that your car has problems and its not getting rectified . (Posts all over the forum)

Perhaps its time you try a different service center who knows what they are doing ?

Just my 2 cents :)
ya....will try pg AB soon, but I heard their service even zzzzz
seenotype;833764 said:
ya....will try pg AB soon, but I heard their service even zzzzz

Worst come to worst, come down to KL and see if they can help ?

seenotype;833845 said:
Ohh any dealer u recommend??

Every dealer has its horror stories. But the ones that have been given some relatively good reviews would be

Auto Bavaria KL
Ingress Auto (Kampung Penchala)
Wearnes (Segambut)
seenotype;833298 said:
View attachment 30896 i already sent my ride to bmw dealer shop and they found that the noise (tak tak tak) is come from this part! however they exchanged a new 1 for me under warranty, but the noise still back after few weeks....WTH and to be frank they already changed TWO TIMES but still SAME!!! BMW F30 SUX TO THE MAX all i can say!!

Actually for Most of you talking about Tak Tak Tak Noise, Wind Noise and Vibration, actually the Dealership cant do Much to solve your problem as they also dont know how to control and STOP/REDUCE Unwanted and Irritating Sounds in the Car and am not sure these SA are trained to do so, better just send your Car to KL Auto for Auto Foam and Sound Proof then you get the best interior ever :top: i sent my Car few times to the dealer, but when i found out that its just time wasting and Car comes back with same unwanted Sound, i just sent it to KL AUTO and everything is perfectly done! Tyre Noise is reduced and car is really comfortable!
I've auto foamed my previous civic before at KL auto, also did the recommended sound proofing layers on 4 doors, boot, fenders and floor pan.

Does it work? Yes it does but if you compare the results with the amount of money spent, then I'll say it's hardly good value. It's usually placebo effect and the fact that you try too hard to justify its effectiveness for the money spent. After a while, it hits reality that the results are mediocre at best. I guess if the car is fundamentally not designed for such priorities, you're never gonna achieve the same results no matter how much you put in. My A6 hybrid is stock standard and the car simply rolls quietly with very minimal rumble.

Thus, for all the cars I've owned after my civic (6 in total), I've never had the urge the visit KL Auto at all. Desmond is a nice guy but he's an out and out salesman, in my opinion.

My conclusion is that, Foaming your vehicle works but the ultimate results doesn't justify the amount of money spent. I won't even talk about the so-called overrated improvement in handling
seenotype;833885 said:
Bro thx for ur valuable advice, can I hv the KL AUTO contact no. ??

Name: Desmond

Mobile Number: 017-2823-073

Very Nice Guy and Fun to be with i must confess. He will tell you everything you need to know about Sounds and how to reduce and Stop it.
kuntakinte;833884 said:
I've auto foamed my previous civic before at KL auto, also did the recommended sound proofing layers on 4 doors, boot, fenders and floor pan.

Does it work? Yes it does but if you compare the results with the amount of money spent, then I'll say it's hardly good value. It's usually placebo effect and the fact that you try too hard to justify its effectiveness for the money spent. After a while, it hits reality that the results are mediocre at best. I guess if the car is fundamentally not designed for such priorities, you're never gonna achieve the same results no matter how much you put in. My A6 hybrid is stock standard and the car simply rolls quietly with very minimal rumble.

Thus, for all the cars I've owned after my civic (6 in total), I've never had the urge the visit KL Auto at all. Desmond is a nice guy but he's an out and out salesman, in my opinion.

My conclusion is that, Foaming your vehicle works but the ultimate results doesn't justify the amount of money spent. I won't even talk about the so-called overrated improvement in handling

I do really understand your point of View Bro Kuntakinte, Its Quite Pricy, but Desmond do have minimum budget also, it just depends on what the Customer wants, For instance i Spent more than RM 10K on my ride just because of what i want and i can sincerely tell you that i got what i wanted rather then sending my Car to the Dealer and leaving it for one week and getting it back with the same problem and time wasting was my major concern.

"Does it work? Yes it does but if you compare the results with the amount of money spent, then I'll say it's hardly good value" in reply to this i do feel the same way bcos i get to see how this sound proofing is being done in KL AUTO, in a lay mans thinking you will be thinking that for just this am Paying this much! But come to think of can even pay more than what you pay in other Shops that claim to do Sound Proofing and you wont get the required result. So my Point here is Desmond is Good in what he dose and in my own opinion, if am paying for this...i want to get result and if you give me that result , sure am satisfied.

After coming back from BMW Kulim Plant and see how they (Young Guys 24-40 years old) assembly the F30's really i got no confidence on CKD models, luckily my ride is CBU, then you will be thinking that surely there will be all this Tak Tak Sounds and some irregularities.

So sending it to get all those Fixed with someone who have the experience isn't a BAD idea i Guess, thats why i choose KL AUTO. The A6 is Simply quite :top: except for the Tyre Noise on uneven roads.
Bro Val, I went for the full works, ultimate foaming, soundproof every damn 'vibrating' plate desmond could find and define etc. I may not have spent 10k like you but it was close when you consider he further upsold me some pivot stuff and some other accesories which I can't remember.

The point I was making is that the results were not really consistent with the amount of money spent. It did help a little in reducing ever so slightly but paying such a premium, you'd expected much more and ultimately, it was simply poor ROI but that's just my opinion.

But I'm glad that you found it effective. As they say, one man's meat is another's poison. Cheers, mate
kuntakinte;833898 said:
Bro Val, I went for the full works, ultimate foaming, soundproof every damn 'vibrating' plate desmond could find and define etc. I may not have spent 10k like you but it was close when you consider he further upsold me some pivot stuff and some other accesories which I can't remember.

The point I was making is that the results were not really consistent with the amount of money spent. It did help a little in reducing ever so slightly but paying such a premium, you'd expected much more and ultimately, it was simply poor ROI but that's just my opinion.

But I'm glad that you found it effective. As they say, one man's meat is another's poison. Cheers, mate

Maybe bcos i did it on an F10 which is already quite but with some few Irregularities and you did on the difference felt might not be same :D but frankly speaking i do understand where you are coming from and like you stated "One Mans Meat is Another Man's Poison :D Cheers too Bro :top:
seenotype;833963 said:
KL AUTO is one of the BMW authorized centre ??

Nope, it's a club vendor ..

He is well known for bringing in Auto Foam.

I myself did it for my FD 2.0. It helped in terms of rigidity.

But you can only do so much sound proofing to a Honda :p

Low profile tyres and exhaust sound cant be drowned out by auto foam .

It comes down to what you want.

I can spend additional 20k on sound proofing, but it would still be lacking compared to the a6 hybrid.

Enjoy your car for what it is :)
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