New Post vs Today Post.I have noticed that there are numerous inquires about the forum"New Posts" feature.New Posts feature.When you log in and click on the "New Posts" the forum will automaticallydisplay all the thread that is "new" since you last log in. Once you click in thethread, it will detect that you have "read" the thread.When you reflash by using the "New Posts" icon, the thread that you have justread will "disappear" (not display at more). This is NORMAL. It will not re-appearuntil there is another new posting in the thread.For those who seldom log on, you would most probably see a lot of threads thatis display and list will get shorter when you have read the thread.Today Posts feature.When you log out, you will notice that there is a "Today Posts" at the top rightcorner of the forum page. When you click on this icon, it will show all the threadthat have "new" postings for the last 24 hours. However, when you log in, the icon "Today Posts" is replaced by the "New Posts" icon.So the next question would be "How to have the "Today Posts" when you log ON?"The answer is:- Make your own BOOKMARK.