New door rubber lining - wasted?

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Club Guest
Dec 19, 2005
I had the rubber linings on all four doors replaced about 2 months ago when I had my car repainted. They are all peeling off now......the glue won't stick. They're even dangling off from the bottom of the door. Other than that, they're all in perfectly new condition.Can I get them re-glued back or do I have to get new linings?If can re-glue, what glue should I use? Gam kayu?Many thanks.
studdy d,
remove all again, reglue the proper way, or use appropriate glue

suggest you reove all the old glue, maybe the olde glue wasn't removed from the car body side, causing the rubber to peel off after some time

Can you tell where and how much u spent on the new rubber lining? And perhaps what kinda glue solved your problem....eventually. Some of us could use your advice. Thanks ....
mizuan;195767 said:

Can you tell where and how much u spent on the new rubber lining? And perhaps what kinda glue solved your problem....eventually. Some of us could use your advice. Thanks ....

I paid MYR 200 for each rubber lining. Had it installed by the guy who painted my car because the old ones were too worn to be reinstalled after the paint job.

I tried UHU glue.......doesn't work.
Next.....Gam Kayu. If that fails......Elephant Glue.
And if that fails......maybe Kuih Bakul melted down to a paste....compliments of my Chinese neighbours.
Uhu..??? Gam Gajah..??? aiya. Better send it to bodyworks shop. They know how to clean and remove the old glue residues.

Let the pro do it .
Stud_Daddy;195772 said:
I paid MYR 200 for each rubber lining. Had it installed by the guy who painted my car because the old ones were too worn to be reinstalled after the paint job.

I tried UHU glue.......doesn't work.
Next.....Gam Kayu. If that fails......Elephant Glue.
And if that fails......maybe Kuih Bakul melted down to a paste....compliments of my Chinese neighbours.

If that fails, try gam nasi :D
Stud_Daddy;195772 said:
I paid MYR 200 for each rubber lining. Had it installed by the guy who painted my car because the old ones were too worn to be reinstalled after the paint job.

I tried UHU glue.......doesn't work.
Next.....Gam Kayu. If that fails......Elephant Glue.
And if that fails......maybe Kuih Bakul melted down to a paste....compliments of my Chinese neighbours.

if really every glue in the market fails... use SDN BHD glue... gurantee kau kau one... if still cannot... sapu some of the stuff K.M. is promoting........cabutz.. fast fast firlt... heheheheheh :D

on the serious side... ditto to ZOGGEE... go to a proper place to do it la. safety for other ppl... nanti kopek while at high speed then u know! :rolleyes:
my advise, just send it back to your paint w/ your worry.....its part of their job to ensure it get fixed permanently after dismantled it....

btw, busy ka?...bila parlimen nak bersidang?????
mienoz;196017 said:
my advise, just send it back to your paint w/ your worry.....its part of their job to ensure it get fixed permanently after dismantled it....

btw, busy ka?...bila parlimen nak bersidang?????

Yes I plan to go back to the same paint shop.....if only they would come back to work already!!! I spoke to the guy over the phone......he was quite nice and apologetic, and told me to come back and he'll get it fixed.
Me: "Bila"
Ah Huat: "Boss, lepas raya minggu depan. Sorry ah".
Me: "aiyoyo......itu macam ka?"

Hats off to the chinese lar.....they work hard for 11 months and 3 weeks.....and for one week they eat kuih kapit and party like there's no tomorrow.
For me its the other way around.

Parlimen boleh bersidang anytime......this weekend oso can.
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