need help,white smoke from ekzos

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Ac Synitzer

Club Guest
Nov 2, 2011
anybody experience white smoke from ekzos?Need to replace Engine cover gasket or the Valve seal?Will it effect engine jurked?
Need to open engine to see if valve seal eg either major or minor overhaul
thick smoke when u press the pedal or it simply went out of the exhaust at idle? if it came only after you pedal it, seems like burning engine oil. if at idle white smoke came out, probably the water from the cooling system has entered the cylinder which lead to engine overhaul. just happened to me last week as i totaled my dad's engine at idle :)
White smoke from cold start is it normal. After warm up no white smoke. Is that normal when cold start?
After warm up no white smoke i guess its normal. That white smoke is condensated air
Hi All,

Experiencing some white smoke when rammed it during driving (friends saw it while tailing me).
Yes, need top ups every 1000km abt 1/2 a liter.
Yeah, overhaul is the word....any price rage....

Top overhaul maybe around RM3k (valve seals, head gasket set, cam cover gasket, some o-rings, oil filter, engine oil, new plugs, coolant,)...If you are already topping up every 1000km for 1/2 liter the situation will only get worse until you have to do complete overhaul or change the engine.
I say,.... not again la engin change, already done once last year due to water sip into engin......i really hope valve seal n head gasket ke.....trying to avoid top overhaul......comperassion test might determin huh....
Try the cheaper route first, don't straight overhaul. Try open the cam cover first and see the condition

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