Need help~ No Start issue

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Nice one bro... That y BMW always the best... They would protect your engine from any damage and lots of sensor installed.... 1 mistake will give you an error... Just like a Computer Programmer just said it since I am one of them, "you miss 1 semicolon ( ; ) will give you an error coding for the whole of it.... That y BMW old engine still can beat others newer car now a day.. Just say it.. Cheers for you bro...
Well... well... I do read a lot on what use of coolant temp sensor in BMW. It use as fuel mixture purpose... once the water temp in high tempreture, it will use more fuel to cool down the engine...

Since my sensor fault, and do able to rectify the ohm reading from the sensor... My sensor get stuck somewhere around 80 C... Hence my engine were get flooded by fuel when during cool start.

It is not the DME not allow to start but flooded....

Forgotten to mention in early that...I do check with my laptop and perform the diagnose, it doesn't show any error code... Hence the sensor didn't send fault code to ECU yet... Weird~

By the way... I'm using BMW Scanner 1,4.0 software to perform the diagnostic.
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