My Visit To BMW Welt Munich

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Club Guest
Dec 9, 2004
I managed to squeeze in a few days in Munich whilst I was holidaying in UK earlier this month. I visited the BMW Welt, BMW Museum and went on the BMW Factory Tour in Munich.
Here are some more of the pics:-
err. the factory look like a shopping complex...

anxious, really envy you lah..

And now where are the pic of the ladies.. LOL
wow! this is like some holy pilgrimage where you must go once in your lifetime kinda thing.
My wife and I decided to go on a holiday to UK this year to take advantage of the extremely favourable exchange rates(compared to last year) and the cheap airline tickets.

My wife was kind enough to allow me a short trip to Munich. We were there for 3 full days.

On the 1st day we did some sightseeing and then visited the BMW Museum. We took the guided tour of the BMW Museum which costed us 15 Euro per person and lasted 1.5 hours. Later that night we went the the famous beer garden.

On the 2nd day we went back to BMW Welt and did the factory tour. It was 6 Euro per person and lasted 2 hours. I also got myself a BMW T Shirt for 23 Euro.

The 3rd day, we did a 45 minute excursion by train to Ingolstadt to the Audi Factory & Museum.That was a fantastic experience. I would rate Audi"s factory tour and museum better than BMW's. After the tour my wife was talking about getting an A3, luckily such talk has since subsided.


The British Airways return ticket costed me about RM600 per person ( Lon-Munich) and hotel averaged 100 Euro per night.

It was definitely worth every penny.

You can also organise such a trip with your freinds. Make it a pilgrimage of sorts.

I plan to go again with a group of friends in a few years time and visit more factories ie Porsche & Mercedes in Stuggart and VW in Wolfsburg. It would be probably a one week trip to Germany.

I suggest you guys plan such trips too. I am happy to share my experience with anyone interested.
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