My First Mod

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Club Guest
Apr 17, 2012
Did this first mod.. Thanx to bro saat for the info and guide... Activated my rear fog light...BeforeStep 1Go buy a single wire cable.... 2 meter cukup..Step 2Open the rear lamp cover.. From inside bonet... (gambar already after mods.. The mods is the green cable)Step 3 Remove the bonet cover also.. (to simpan the wire properly)Step 4Insert the new wire to pin No 6 (right lamp) and the other end of wire to pin No 1 (left lamp)Step 5Tadaaaaa...Perfect... No issue.. But need bro saat clarification.. I was quite worried coz afraid the wire will catch heat if guna lama.. U'rs any issue or not bro saat? Hope can share....
Looking good.....any chance we meet up this weekend? am going back to Alor Gajah, if time permits lah...
JFT63;743191 said:
Looking good.....any chance we meet up this weekend? am going back to Alor Gajah, if time permits lah...

Minor mod je... Buat tgh lunch time... This weekend kerja... Come visit me at klinik la..haha....
With wire that thick, I wouldn't worry for it to get hot or melt. I would worry more about the connection getting loose then shorted. But either way the fuse would burn first. Good job!
aidilj;743197 said:
With wire that thick, I wouldn't worry for it to get hot or melt. I would worry more about the connection getting loose then shorted. But either way the fuse would burn first. Good job!

Thanx.. Credit to bro saat... I guess.. Mungkin jugak the wire disconnected.. Tried to secure well over the group of wire and connector.. Will do a test run 1/2 weeks and try see

Ur mods even high class.. Huhu.. Me mods org sakit boleh la.. Mod kereta x power..haha
If you ensured that the wire core is secure in the pin slot, it will not work it way loose.

In all my cars since 1997, never have I experienced the wire working its way out.
msyizz;743193 said:
Minor mod je... Buat tgh lunch time... This weekend kerja... Come visit me at klinik la..haha....

Ok, klinik apa n di mana? I boleh pretend jadi yr patient..kekeke
JFT63;743212 said:
Ok, klinik apa n di mana? I boleh pretend jadi yr patient..kekeke

This saturday morning at kk air keroh.. Tgh hari at poliklinik wahidah kota cemerlang.. Sunday at wahidah.. Kerja2 kumpul duit.. Haha
msyizz;743214 said:
This saturday morning at kk air keroh.. Tgh hari at poliklinik wahidah kota cemerlang.. Sunday at wahidah.. Kerja2 kumpul duit.. Haha
ok doc, text me anytime, our prez is from um bai, bkt durian
wah lepas ni da ble jd king of DIY la doc...welldone job there...btw nice z too....
yat325;743456 said:
wah lepas ni da ble jd king of DIY la doc...welldone job there...btw nice z too....
king DIY? X kot.. Masih banyak sifu here... Summore xmods bnyk2.. As long as car look nice and perform well ok laa..haha
Good job bro!! Easy to differentiate your car during convoy, cause not many people do this mod..:top:
Fireuz;743597 said:
Good job bro!! Easy to differentiate your car during convoy, cause not many people do this mod..:top:

Huhu.. Boleh laa.. Btw I know only me n bro saat mod the light.. Huhu
Your first mod will start a string of more mods in the future...

That would be one part of many in the JOY of ownership!
Fireuz;743597 said:
Good job bro!! Easy to differentiate your car during convoy, cause not many people do this mod..:top:

I hope not cos one of my pet peeves with BMW owners is the use of the rear fogs when there's no fog at all. The rear fogs are annoyingly bright to the car following. I only switch on my rear fogs in low visibilty conditions. In some countries, usage of rear fogs when the conditions does not warrant its usage is illegal and liable to a fine.

Many a driver who used their rear fogs in clear weather have had a full blast of my double rear fogs. But I fear these people can only curse at me for they are oblivious of what rear fogs are for and when to use them.
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