My E90 Show ABS + Runflat + Brake Pad Error

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Jan 27, 2005
This morning started my car as usual, Ting Ting Ting sound came out, and it indicates ABS + Run Flat + Brake Error. i paniced and Drive it to AB Segambut. Send for Service . The SA told me it Could be the Electronic Sensor bord at the Steering Column...after mid day, received an called from SA, he asked me i got Tikus at home....Damn...It was my Pincher bite the wires underneat...its cost me Rm399 for the Sensor and Cabling. My dog need to go back to his cage....
From my experience my dogs gets restless in the mornings and has chewed up wires on my E30 and my wifes Waja.

Now I put her in the backyard or tie her up when she is near my car.

The bright side is that the sensors didnt give way prematurely. Otherwise you would need to worry about every other sensor.

anxious;291331 said:
From my experience my dogs gets restless in the mornings and has chewed up wires on my E30 and my wifes Waja.

Now I put her in the backyard or tie her up when she is near my car.

The bright side is that the sensors didnt give way prematurely. Otherwise you would need to worry about every other sensor.


Exatly, now he is tied up in chain. and also i have noticed he have bitten up my E46 Tyre Pressure Cap. What a clown..for E90 other Sensors are not exposed, only the ones near the Wheel. For my cousin's dog, bitten all over his mini Plastic covers....Darm
soorian;291431 said:
Exatly, now he is tied up in chain. and also i have noticed he have bitten up my E46 Tyre Pressure Cap. What a clown..for E90 other Sensors are not exposed, only the ones near the Wheel. For my cousin's dog, bitten all over his mini Plastic covers....Darm

ayior- kesian ..your dog just being himself/herself..find another solution lah..kalo ikat dia pun jadi giler nanti!
guru;291432 said:
ayior- kesian ..your dog just being himself/herself..find another solution lah..kalo ikat dia pun jadi giler nanti!

Even he have bitten all that i sayang him yesterday la, never bit him...Sure they dont know what they are doing. ok. Somebody told be there is an spray, which can keep then away from paticular area when we sprayed. Anybody got idea > What this the Spray ? noy Risect la :rolleyes: ...

now i have to PArk all the 3 cars out before let him go in the everning.... i dont mind, but most of the time, i need to put him in the cage or tie him lo
Looks like you've never stepped in a petshop :) Go to one and you'll see several sprays to keep dogs/cats away from specific areas. Pricey but cheaper than repairing your car :D
Schwepps;291481 said:
Looks like you've never stepped in a petshop :) Go to one and you'll see several sprays to keep dogs/cats away from specific areas. Pricey but cheaper than repairing your car :D

Thakns Bro...Will give a try later in the evening
I dont think the spray really works but u can try it anyway. If it doesnt work get ready for anorther visit to AB.

Anyway this is my solution, during the day both the cars are out so my dog gets a free run aroung the compound. When I get back from work at about 7.30-8.30pm, I feed her and let her loose...since the acr is still hot she wont go near it. By 10.30 I tie her up until the next morning. I have tried leaving her in the backyard but she prefers the front.

She is most "dangerous" in the mornings just b4 I leave to work as the car is cool and it is bright so she can see all the wires underneath the car.

Well the present arragement has lasted for the past year. Occasionally i hv to gt up to let her do her business but other than that its works.
anxious;291859 said:
I dont think the spray really works but u can try it anyway. If it doesnt work get ready for anorther visit to AB.

Anyway this is my solution, during the day both the cars are out so my dog gets a free run aroung the compound. When I get back from work at about 7.30-8.30pm, I feed her and let her loose...since the acr is still hot she wont go near it. By 10.30 I tie her up until the next morning. I have tried leaving her in the backyard but she prefers the front.

She is most "dangerous" in the mornings just b4 I leave to work as the car is cool and it is bright so she can see all the wires underneath the car.

Well the present arragement has lasted for the past year. Occasionally i hv to gt up to let her do her business but other than that its works.

Thanks Bro...That was a good advice. Bought the Spray. Cost me Rm30. i have spared on the Shoes, i want to try on it 1st. Tomorrow drive all the cars out and arranged my old shoes and spray on it. will see how it work.
Anxious, unless you've tried the sprays before, you shouldn't say that you don't think they'll work. I use it and it works with my pets.

Soorian, you must have bought 'Get Off'. You're supposed to spray it on things that your dog uses for a habit that you want to break, such as peeing on the wheels or biting the mudflaps. If he doesn't do anything bad with your shoes anyway, whether you spray them or not doesn't make a difference. Geddit? :)
Schwepps;291885 said:
Anxious, unless you've tried the sprays before, you shouldn't say that you don't think they'll work. I use it and it works with my pets.

Soorian, you must have bought 'Get Off'. You're supposed to spray it on things that your dog uses for a habit that you want to break, such as peeing on the wheels or biting the mudflaps. If he doesn't do anything bad with your shoes anyway, whether you spray them or not doesn't make a difference. Geddit? :)

Bro, Common Sense Bro..Sure i will spray on the thing whre he use to Pee or bite right. For what i want to spary on thing where he dont mess around. Shoes he always bite and play with them, so i have spared on it. see how it goes, test for him before i can park my cars in and let him loose. bro, did it work 1st time ? because, i tried yesterday, he still played with my shoes, or we have to do it few times for it to take effect ? Please advise
Hahahaaha.... bring out its favorite shoe, spray them and see how many days it is left alone before chewing it again.. :D
Does't Work Bro...he played with the shoes...looks like he is an stuband choice, have to tie him or cage..
Hehe... tie him or cage him is the best solution. Or do like mine, put her at the backyard at the laundry area where there is nothing for her to bite except for washing machine!
Aww, too bad soorian. Looks like he's an intrinsically mischievious dog and nothing will put him off. Yes, it should work first time. My dog doesn't touch anything I've trained him not to touch, using a combination of discipline and spray. I guess habit conditioning has to start from puppyhood and is less likely to succeed in an adult pet. Nothing but to tie or cage him then. How sad. :106:
Schwepps;292232 said:
Aww, too bad soorian. Looks like he's an intrinsically mischievious dog and nothing will put him off. Yes, it should work first time. My dog doesn't touch anything I've trained him not to touch, using a combination of discipline and spray. I guess habit conditioning has to start from puppyhood and is less likely to succeed in an adult pet. Nothing but to tie or cage him then. How sad. :106:

Fully agree with you Schwepps that habit conditioning has to start from puppyhood. I have also trained mine when he is at 3 months old. Now coming to 2 years old already and he is obedient enough :top:
Schwepps;292232 said:
Aww, too bad soorian. Looks like he's an intrinsically mischievious dog and nothing will put him off. Yes, it should work first time. My dog doesn't touch anything I've trained him not to touch, using a combination of discipline and spray. I guess habit conditioning has to start from puppyhood and is less likely to succeed in an adult pet. Nothing but to tie or cage him then. How sad. :106:

Mine is 6 month old. its thier teething time i guess..biting all over, but he dont bite any sofa's or shoe. Car , since we were not around he did his biting. i guess, tie him for now to avoid for him to become habit, when he is indoor he is an Angel. he is looking at me now (beside me) i guess he knows i am bitching about him..he he

Anyway What breed you guys got..mine is Pincher (MINPIN)
Mine is a Shih-Tzu from Taiwan. It's a male.

Mine will never touch my car. Never dare to pee on the tyres too! Sort of like already trained him to only pee on others cars' tyres and would never disturb the master's car :) When bring him for walk, he will look for car tyres to pee on but when at home, he dare not pee on my car tyres. Dunno why. The other day my cousin's car parked next to my car but he only pee on my cousin car's tyres. Not a single sign on mine. Strange huh.
David Yong;292312 said:
Mine is a Shih-Tzu from Taiwan. It's a male.

Mine will never touch my car. Never dare to pee on the tyres too! Sort of like already trained him to only pee on others cars' tyres and would never disturb the master's car :) When bring him for walk, he will look for car tyres to pee on but when at home, he dare not pee on my car tyres. Dunno why. The other day my cousin's car parked next to my car but he only pee on my cousin car's tyres. Not a single sign on mine. Strange huh.

Maybe the Type Polish you are using is just Dog Repalent. i need that man , or a Shih-Tzu
Ooo soorian, now we understand ;) This can be solved! Of course he's mischievious, he's a puppy! 6 months is exactly the right time to train him, and tying him up is not going to train him. If he's not biting your shoes but just playing with them, then he lacks toys to play with. If you spray your shoes, he may think that's what toys should smell like :)

Too long-winded to tell you what to do here. Go to bookshop to get a good book on dog training. Go back to petshop to get the necessary things, esp chew toys and edible chews for his teething itches. If you want a good pet that is a joy and not a bother to all, you need to invest time, effort and a little money in them. Just like you would a child. Notice how some kids sit properly in restaurants and some run around like rascals irritating everyone? It's all about early training.

David, it's simple. You've already trained yours to respect your things. He only pees on other car wheels to mark territory because he knows they're not yours. It's only about marking territory, but it means you haven't completed the job because it's not good to allow him to it to do it on other people's property.

Enough said, huh? This is a car forum, not a dog forum... :D
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