My Cooper-S

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I would rate BMW's customer service (corporate level) as 'good' from experience. However, the same can't be said for the local dealership (at least back then). Bought some stuff, got tired of waiting and their never getting back to me (despite several follow ups which I initiated) so posted a complain to BMW Germany via their website ( Within a few days, received email response from BMW Customer Service ( Shortly thereafter their local cs representative contacted me and he personally saw to it that my items were duly delivered. It goes to show that if they want to, the local dealership can provide good service...
Erica34, it's an old story ain't it. That's why I only hound my reliable sales girl about every thing and go to Sg Besi branch for servicing cos they're small and after a while, you know everybody, particularly those that can't bear see you cry in front of them.

Zul - Some of us have met Roland (the one from BMW Malaysia?) and he's supposed to be quite senior, so you're getting personalised attention leh....

All the other colour have arrived?? why not dark grey Cooper S? every time I called them they said my car was still in Port klang. I booked my Cooper on 21/3 just a few weeks ago but I feel like its 6 month already without a car.

I hope my car will arrive before my reg number expires.
Originally posted by Alvin@Apr 12 2005, 11:02 PM

You bought new ar? From BMW?
Yes, first I thought I wanted to buy from cartrade but when I walked into their showroom nobody even looked at my face or asked me any question I felt just like a dumb person and walked out straight to BMW Bukit Bintang. Good service. I asked for a discount because I am a cash buyer but no luck...BMW very stingy!!!! and some one from this forum also tried to
help me for some discount but still no luck.
Originally posted by loneranger@Apr 13 2005, 02:01 PM
Yes, first I thought I wanted to buy from cartrade but when I walked into their showroom nobody even looked at my face or asked me any question I felt just like a dumb person and walked out straight to BMW Bukit Bintang. Good service. I asked for a discount because I am a cash buyer but no luck...BMW very stingy!!!! and some one from this forum also tried to
help me for some discount but still no luck.
Cash buyer for a RM200k car.... ??!!!! :blink:

Can teach a bit of ur secret of success ah???
his secret:
buy and sell parts to BMWClub members. Always have something to sell. :D

OK Guys, matters solved.

The car will be delivered in 3-4 weeks. Still awaiting custom clearance. All will be handle directly by BMW. Registration will be done by BMW as well.

Thanks for all the support.

Warmest regards,

smells a bit of nepotism/cronyism here if you ask me...someone 'known'/big blah blah wants that particular car, he/she would usually get it & us suckers have to succumb to bullshit provided by them..
car rego's can expire ah?
lovely colour choice i say! cash buyer..u da man!

Yes, the car is still at port klang as they are facing some problem with the AP thingie. I just don’t understand why. Cartrade is holding the AP if I’m not mistaken. I know that there are some new models stuck there... it has been quite sometime already. Poor babies... waiting to meet their mothers. :yahoo:


Good to know that you are getting the car soon, getting the hyper blue, Electric blue you mean? If you are collecting it from Bukit Bintang Branch, make sure Chippy is there, he'll make sure everything is there for you, maybe you can bodek him to get some free gifts.

Chippy is a very nice guy, and he really does his job well. He is a very busy man now; you should forgive him if he delays his work. I had bad experience with one of the sales guy there. He promised that the car will be ready by 4pm but I ended up waiting for 3 hours. This document is not here la, I forgot about it lah... etc. So Zul, just get Chippy if you face any problem in the future or get Sukainah Osman, she is the Mini Manager. Anything about mini, she's the one you should talk to, she’s very helpful.

Make sure that your car is having the on-board computer, rain sensor, because some don’t. One thing that you should always be aware is the coolant tank/ expansion tank. It will crack or leak after sometime, it’s a back to back problem. I got my tank replaced :lol: and so do others.....

HAppy Motoring!

Fantastic :yahoo: !! My Mini Cooper S arrived last Friday and they promised me I can pick my baby up next I can't sleep already!!!

Furher... about the reg number..its only valid for one month from when I booked the number
conratulation sham!!
must take me for a huge spin when i get back! damn i love the roar of that super charger..intoxicating!
should start your own thread for your cooper lah..
wht plans have u got for it?

Welcome to the club man!Yeah... Im sure you gonna love the car! You wont stop driving the car, you'll have it in your dreams even.

What colour is your's?

The next TT in Melaka, do drive ur Cooper S, k..! :D :yahoo: :D

C-Square, Donald, Mr 595, Pimprider & others...make sure u guyz r in town..! :nyehehe:
Sorry Ridrahim, was promised to received the car in 3-4 weeks due to problem with the AP. I promise you that I'll let U know once I receive the car.

Loneranger, you mention the Cooper-S have arrived. Is it the unit that we're waiting for? It should be Hyper Blue cause AFAIK there are only 4 units of facelifted Cooper-S which are 3 Hyper Blue and 1 Black-eye Purple.

Detonics, the car is Hyper Blue. Slightly darker than electric blue colour. I'm not getting the car from Mini Bukit Bintang. I was informed the car will be handle directly by BMW Malaysia. Apparently my email to BMW Malaysia reached Mr Roland who is in-charge of distribution and allocation of all BMW and Mini in Malaysia. Was told that unlikely to get the car if the matter did not received his attention because Mini Bukit Bintang is just a dealer.

Fuhrer, car no. usually will be reserved for you for one month only. You can write to get extension for another month. After that you'll need to register it. In my case I register to a motorbike and paid some RM to the motorbike shop.

Oh, hyper blue.... darker than the EB, I got it. So basically when exactly are you getting your car. If Loneranger is getting his car soon, I'm sure you gonna have it soon too right..

I was promised to get the car in about 3-4 weeks. Since Loneranger is getting his car I hope mine will be soon.
Originally posted by loneranger@Apr 16 2005, 03:50 PM

Fantastic :yahoo: !! My Mini Cooper S arrived last Friday and they promised me I can pick my baby up next I can't sleep already!!!

Furher... about the reg number..its only valid for one month from when I booked the number
:getyourfactsright: just for your information you can always write to JPJ and xtend your number since your car is not out yet as I ever did that twice no problem if not sayang your number goes to another guy.
try your luck.
regards :yes:
I saw few EB cooper but im not sure if it was Cooper or cooper S, I was just passing by.....

loneranger, got yours?

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