Meter Cluster - Got some dark Spot

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Club Guest
Jan 23, 2005
Sifus,My E36 Meter, seems to have some dark spot in some place.It means some of the letters is not as bright as other when I on the light.I already clean all the bulbs and it still have the same issue.
Are all the bulb working?

If they are, then some your plastic reflector is slightly misaligned..
The small bulbs are only used when there is an indicator light up (eg, signal, parking brake, abs, etc etc). The Meter it self use the main 3 bulbs that is bigger. I replaced the 3 bulbs with new bulb, and checked all the bulbs, but it problem exist.
To give a better understanding of the problem look at the picture below.

It is the reflector.


But weird enough, those blank spot tends to move around. I mean, last night I have a sightly dark area in the 60km/h area, today it is back to normal, now my 100km/l is getting dark.

Maybe should hire a bomoh instead ? :p
The help you all understand better, refer to the pictures.

Look the the petrol sign, it is sightly darker than the rest.

And also between 120 and 140, there is another dark patch.

have you open the cluster and check the reflector whether they are loose or misaligned.

just be careful if your steering have airbag. do not on the ignition when the airbag connector is disconnect. the alarm would be register and have to be reset at the workshop.

the problem is a inherit bmw that the fluorescent amber is losing it's 'ink', hence a dark spot.. can't do much about it or clean up unless you buy another good/new meter.

psst... another way, is to buy the colored meter dials, the amber ink is new and will help.
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