Looking for DME/ECU for M43 engine

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Dec 4, 2004
Hai Guys,I am looking for a second hand DME/ECU for M43 engine. The engine built is 1997 and for 318i.According to realoem, the part number should be 1214 1 432 520 (M.1.7.3)PM me the price if you have one somewhere around your store. Thank you very much.
btw, what should be the BOSCH part number for the DME?

BMW 1214 1 743 254 = Bosch 0261 203 277
BMW 1214 1 743 255 = Bosch ??
BMW 1214 1 432 520 = Bosch ??
jarance;526973 said:
btw, what should be the BOSCH part number for the DME?

BMW 1214 1 743 254 = Bosch 0261 203 277
BMW 1214 1 743 255 = Bosch ??
BMW 1214 1 432 520 = Bosch ??

Hi Bro,

I have the Bosch 0261 203 277. If you are interested, i can post it up to u.
Thanks Kelvin.. for the offer.. will KIV for the time being. Still trying to pinpoint the problem before deciding.
Jarance , wat the problem u facing ????

As for M43 1997 shld came wit EWS ......

So u need to find wat is missing in order to fire up ur car .......

Even with new ECU, its also not straight can start ur car cos u need reset it using GT machine.............
Lionel_Koh;527739 said:
Jarance , wat the problem u facing ????

As for M43 1997 shld came wit EWS ......

So u need to find wat is missing in order to fire up ur car .......

Even with new ECU, its also not straight can start ur car cos u need reset it using GT machine.............

The car is firing with the first crank. Problem is during the first 1 minute, the engine die off like no petrol is coming. After rev a few time and can feel the engine response with the fuel pedal, then it is OK. Idling speed is also not constant but not eractic. Sometime hovering around 1100 rpm, sometime 1000 rpm sometime 900 rpm whether hot or cold. (Goes up when aircon is OFF and goes down when aircon is ON)

The funny thing is that the power is not coming but car is OK at speed greater than 80km/hr.

When off the engine after driving, the engine become unstable again even though it is warm up. Need to rev a few time before can drive the car.

Note.. I am using non original fuel pump (took from proton). Maybe it could be the problem but did not have this problem when I was using M40 engine.

Did not have time to check with the diagnostic GT yet. Will do so when have the time. Still trying to sort out the actual root cause..

Just change my fuel pump (chop shop RM300) for my car last Sunday. Throttle is more responsive and car feel lively again.
BTW, did not change the DME or ECU.

Thanks to all.
Glad to hear that your problem solve.. but surprise to find out that the problem is the fuel pump...
Alipon, so you are back. Try to call U last week but heard that you are oversea.

Pls advise AC No via SMS or PM. I dont feel nice to have outstanding matter with you for so long.. Cannot sleep at night lar.. cheers bro.

Actually quite surprise that it was the pump cos I was using a "proton" pump previously when my original pump was broken. When I bought another second hand pump, I found that the pump was "changed". I dont know who changed the pump back to original. I guess must the workshop that did the transplant.

Yeah, I was waiting for the DME but never come lar. Anyway, I already settle my bill with the workshop last week.
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