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Don Franco

Club Guest
Jan 24, 2007
> One Singh was enjoying the sun at the beach in America. A lady cameand> asked him, " Are you relaxing?" Singh answered, "No, I am BantaSingh".> Another guy came and asked the him the same question. Singh answered,"No> No Me Banta Singh!">> Third one came and asked him the same question again. Singh wastotally> annoyed and decided to shift his place. While walking he saw anotherSingh> soaking in the sun. He went up to him and asked, "Are you Relaxing?"The> other Singh was a lot more educated and answered, "Yes, I amrelaxing."The> Singh slapped him on his face and said, "Stupid, idiot. Everyone islooking> for you and your are sitting over here!"> ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++> Jasmeet Kaur caught her husband Santa Singh searching high and lowall> around his living room.> Jasmeet : "What are you searching for?"> Santa : "Hidden cameras!"> Jasmeet : "And what makes you think that there are hidden camerashere?"> Santa : "That guy on TV knows exactly what I am doing. Why every few> minutes he keeps saying 'You are watching the Star World Channel'. Howdoes> he know> that?"> ===============================> Having lost his donkey a Singh, got down to his knees and startedthanking> God. A passerby saw him and asked, "Your donkey is missing; what areyou> thanking God for ?" The Singh replied "I am thanking Him for seeing toit> that I wasn't riding the donkey at that time, otherwise I would havebeen> missing too."> ===============================> A Singh goes to a hotel and eats heartily. After eating he goes towash> hands but starts washing the basin instead. The manager comes runningand> asks him, "Mr. Singh, what are you doing?" To this the man replies,"Oye,> see the board here ---"Wash Basin".
Just a joke mate, not malicious at all. In fact there loads of Benta and Santa Singh jokes out of India too!
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