Lifespan for car care products?

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Club Guest
Jul 13, 2005
I have over the years bought many different car care products. Most of the bottles are only half use.But recently when I find time to do my own detailing, what comes out from the bottle is not paste but liquid.I did shake the bottle before use.Just asking Sifu here whether it still can be use or will it be harmful to the paintwork.
No, I don't think so it is harmful. Now a days there are so many car care products which are comes in the liquid form. But, If you are still worried then ask your retailer from whom you bought the products.
machinehead;332400 said:
I have over the years bought many different car care products. Most of the bottles are only half use.But recently when I find time to do my own detailing, what comes out from the bottle is not paste but liquid.I did shake the bottle before use.Just asking Sifu here whether it still can be use or will it be harmful to the paintwork.

This is most unaware and not discuss section
I have been a fellow consumer that brought waxes and polishes....a decade ago and yet to finish you mostly half way over the years collection & buy what ever newly came off the shelf...

EVERYTHING has life spent....I just change my 39 engine fiber covers next to wiper, i cant imagine....everything get disintegrated ....when comes to the heat of the engine & our driving condition in tropics....I guess it will last longer if I am in Munich..

so now if you store your wax/polisher/glaze in your boot....probably last 1-2 months, before heats breaks it down, however if we store inside a cool room, it last longer..The thumb of the rule is ....Disintegration ...when you see the product separates it self, of dries up....pls do not be a chemist ...trying to dilutes with petrol distill....

I had a tub of Carnuba waxes in metal case, kept for 2 years, it almost harden & the case rusted.... Million dollar question
"Do I still use it?"........

LESS IS ALWAYS a good what you need and replenish when it is out....
Er.. Alien Wax, Polish, etc also separate when you leave it for a few days in the house also. Can see layers. Maybe too liquidy?
3er;770941 said:
Er.. Alien Wax, Polish, etc also separate when you leave it for a few days in the house also. Can see layers. Maybe too liquidy?

Hi #er
it has been a long time since i we rock rotary together...... Both Alien wax/Polish/Compound behave differently, you always need to shake them up prior usage - make for liquidity, unlike paste wax and paste polisher, they cant be stirred up again when seperated
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