..jump start danger..

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May 10, 2010
..last weekend, friend of mine, managed to fry his vehicle ECU(he hope its power board, so its about to be seen, but car is virtually, dead), by doing jump start..practically, his battery was totally flat, in which case it should be battery replaced instead of doing jump start..having said that, i highly recommend to use overvoltage protection for your car electrical system as it will keep it safe, especially from self induction, happening during connecting/disconnecting electric power source..this is the one I use in my land rovers and my M..works like a charm..keep it safe guys..cheers..

moots said:
so where is this little feller supposed to be hooked up to?
..just connect it with same sockets where your battery is attached to(keep it fixed with battery power cables)..for this particular model polarity is not a problem, but some other models may be dependant. You have to keep it connected to battery sockets ALL THE TIME, regardless, is it battery attached or not. It will not draw any current, once hooked..I hope this help..
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