BMW6866 bro,
Your feelings are fully understood. Trust me when I say some of us here know the feeling. If you wanna know what had got us to this point, just flip back thru this thread and you'll know. Yes, it's sad that things have gone this way but seriously, most of the members here are responsible for what we're seeing. Honestly, there is no such thing as an ORGANIZER of the TT or a VP or COMMITTEE nonsense for us in JB - we are all members.
Anyone can hold a meet up - even if it's just among a few of us, la! That's what some of us do often and we do have a good time together as friends. Anyway, welcome to the family - please do an intro la so that we can get to know you better. Hopefully we'll get a chance to meet up and catch a few drinks with the others soon. Take care.