INPA EDIBAS Expert USB downgrade to BMW Scanner 1.4

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Jan 20, 2007
I have a pretty new INPA Expert USB cable and softwares but hardly use as it's too advance for me therefore plan to swap with those who have BMW Scanner 1.4 Good opportunity for those who want to
Yes this is a good offer.

I started with PA Soft and move on to INPA..

but I am still keeping the PA Soft because it does tell where all the errors are with one scan.
I have ordered my BMW Scanner 1.4 so now INPA is for sale at RM120 with software. I will help you to install
So sorry... I have to retract my offer to swap since my INPA cable only work for BMW 2006 and newer model BMW due to pin 7 & 8 are not bridged

This lead me to a plan for this weekend is to mod my cable with a switch


Found the DIY guide from another forum

I will post up pics and give you the DIY when I get a chance..Its actually very simple that any average person can do that has access to a drill and a soldering gun.

Tools needed..
1. Small philip screwdriver to take the D-can cover off
2 Radio Shack micro on/off switch (can be two prongs or three) and some wire 24 guage.
3. Soldering gun
4. Some type of glue gun or glue adhesive
5. Drill bit 5/16 to make hole in the D-can cover

Locate pin 8 which will have a number on the side of the board. One side will have the digit 1 and the other digit 8

Once you locate pin 8, thats the pin we will be using as well as the next one over. Connect each pin 7 and 8 with a separate wire and then use the soldering gun and connect each wire to the micro on/off switch... If you bought a 2 prong on/off switch connect it to each side, but if you bought a switch with three prongs, connect the middle and one of the ends, doesnt matter which one. At the end there will be one prong end not used...Neatly place the wires snug so that the D-can cover can be closed without anything preventing it to make a closed seal and your done. Screw in the 4 philip head screws in their respected holes. Note which postion is on and which is off by some type of label on the outside of the cover...SImple! Note on my first pic, I have a switch with 3 prongs, but I snipped off the 3rd one just to make it easier to solder...





Will see if iceduke and wingzee want to give it a try
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