Indon Invasion!!??

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This is getting over the board I guess ... I do believe we have members from Indonesia here. Pity them. Lets close this and say Maaf Zahir Batin Pak.
buzzlie;462853 said:

This is getting over the board I guess ... I do believe we have members from Indonesia here. Pity them. Lets close this and say Maaf Zahir Batin Pak.

Wihout entering into an argument with you, my response is NO and NO.
buzzlie;462853 said:

This is getting over the board I guess ... I do believe we have members from Indonesia here. Pity them. Lets close this and say Maaf Zahir Batin Pak.

Aren't we such an accommodating bunch? the very reason why these people get a chance to ride up our asses....err,by any chance bro,do you work for our gomen?
rebootxmen;461967 said:
this another one....
- banggang.... help that come from US, erope can consider "halal"... stupid....

Subject: Terkait judi, warga sumbar tolak bantuan pemerintah Malaysia

Terkait judi, warga sumbar tolak bantuan pemerintah Malaysia

JAKARTA - Berbagai bantuan telah mengalir dan mulai menumpuk di Bandara Minangkabau, Padang, Sumatera Barat sejak Kamis lalu, hal ini cukup mengganggu kepadatan traffic di Bandara Minangkabau, Padang, Sumatera Barat, yang sudah cukup tinggi dan mengakibatkan sejumlah penerbangan mengalami delay.

Bahkan pesawat yang ditumpangi Menteri Kesehatan Siti Fadilah Supari dan Menko Kesra Aburizal Bakrie sempat tertahan di udara Padang selama beberapa jam.Namun ada yang menarik dari tumpukan bantuan tersebut, yaitu dipisahkannya bantuan dari Pemerintah Malaysia dengan bantuan dari negara-negara lainnya, hal ini di sebabkan karena adanya penolakan bantuan dari Pemerintah Malaysia dikarenakan alasan sumber dana Judi.

"Kami sangat berterimakasih atas kepedulian Pemerintah Malaysia, namun karena dibeberapa tempat terjadi penolakan dikarenakan alasan judi, kami memilih untuk memisahkan bantuan Pemerintah malaysia dengan bantuan negara lain, akan tetapi banyak juga bantuan dari perkumpulan warga minang di Malaysia yang mengirim bantuan dan tidak ditolak" ujar Kepala Distribusi Bantuan Bandara Minangkabau, Departemen Perhubungan Budi S Ervan.

Seperti diketahui Pemerintah Malaysia memiliki fasilitas perjudian terbaik dan terlengkap di Asia Tenggara dengan omset pendapatan 4 Milliar Dollar/tahun bernama Genting Highland, dan hal tersebut dinilai warga Sumatra Barat sangat bertolak belakang dengan budaya Muslim negeri Jiran tersebut.

Bantuan Pemerintah Malaysia berupa Mie Instan, Selimut, Tenda dan obat-obatan terlihat dibiarkan menumpuk di sisi kiri bandara Minagkabau dan sangat menggangu lalulintas bantuan korban gempa.

"Bantuan dari Negara Jepang yang tiba lebih dulu berupa 2500 Genset, 500 Tenda, 25 Instalasi penyaringan air, 400 Toilet portable dan 10 Kontainer Rumah Sakit Mini sudah kami sebarkan di 6 Kabupaten, sedang dari Pemerintah Amerika, Brasil, Jerman, Filipinna, Brunai, Australia, Thailand, Vietnam dan Russia berupa Beras, obat-obatan, tenda, selimut, bahan makanan, instalasi air yang total keseluruhan berjumlah sekitar 28.000 ton akan tiba mulai hari ini, kami berusaha berkadinasi Barkorlak dan Palang Merah Internasional untuk penyediaan tempat penyimpanan dan penyalurannya" ujar Budi S Ervan.

Sumber - Harian Kota, Jumat (2/10/2009)

USA is Malaysia's biggest trade partner. Does this mean your money and my money is not halal too?

Funny that you mentioned that when I bet you that your PC that you used to type the above message was running on an AMERICAN operating system. So I guess that your PC is not halal too? :)
saat;462856 said:
Wihout entering into an argument with you, my response is NO and NO.

If thats the case, no problemo ... lets continue condemning, heheeheeee.
Without condemning the Indon's what would be a more diplomatic way to approach this problem ? I mean lets say if we really wanted to have a more constructive discussion lah that is....
When you have a more successful brother in your family, you will get jealous... that is what happening..

I am glad Malaysia never reacted to those childish behavious and media in Indonesia, or else that will place us square with them..

Now, that make a lot of difference between developed and going to be developed country... While they are making big fuss with all these, Malaysian people just get on with our daily life.. no time wasted to dance with them... Bravo!
buzzlie;463003 said:
If thats the case, no problemo ... lets continue condemning, heheeheeee.

You go ahead and condemn, if you wish.

I have not and will not do that, despite the nasty things they called me when I extended a raya wish.
just ignore them on their own way..

we Malaysian have a lot of thing to "think" and to do instead of arguing with them on stupid thing like the 'pendet' issue..

hmmm..sometime across my mind..they are sooooo bloody s%#p@d..:stupid:
buzzlie;463003 said:
If thats the case, no problemo ... lets continue condemning, heheeheeee.

Like bro Saat had said,it is not our wish or intention to condemn anybody.We are merely expressing our disgust and dismay in a MALAYSIAN forum.I guess being a true Malaysian I have that right atleast.

To start a constructive discussion,I would say the problem lies with our very own government who for some very suspicious reason have been allowing these aliens to just waltz into our country.Why?cheap labour?we can get that from a host of other countries aswell.
saat;463011 said:
You go ahead and condemn, if you wish.

I have not and will not do that, despite the nasty things they called me when I extended a raya wish.

Bro Saat,

I have not and will not do that too. Anyway care to relate what happened with your 'raya wish' experience?
buzzlie;463231 said:
Bro Saat,

I have not and will not do that too. Anyway care to relate what happened with your 'raya wish' experience?

Takpe lah tak payah di perbesar-besarkan.

But I will not apologise because there's nothing I need to apologise for. They on the other hand have a lot of apologising to do.
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