i am salina

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Wa.. so famous this thread, mentang2 girl onboard ni ;p

Bila nk dtg northern for TT?
kacman;368190 said:
Wa.. so famous this thread, mentang2 girl onboard ni ;p

Bila nk dtg northern for TT?

hi kacman....

utara naaaaa...which state?
was `stucked' in 2 of those northern states..longggggggggggggggg time ago...
mai la join our TT sini dulu...cek pun baghu dua kali naaaa join
kacman..sorry, tak perasan u pg mari..i sekolah sana kejap dulu, then ikut my mum pindah tg bungah for 2 yrs...didnt really like pg then..but later2 syok la plak pg ni kan....especially the food n beaches..but traffic...emmm..no no
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