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Club Guest
Mar 17, 2011
Hi all!Always been a BMW ever since I was in my teenage years. E46 has always been my favourite model! :top:Currently been driving a 18 year old Corolla for almost 8 years and looking for an upgrade.Been reading a lot on the E90 320d and comments been pretty good so far (awesome torque and great FC). Will start scouting for one. Hopefully 2009/2010 models will be affordable!Hope to learn a lot from all the sifus here. :)
Welcome to the forums wingzee.

Wow, another one looking for the 320d? Again, the diesel kakis will come hounding on you :)4:) soon.

Kidding, they'll be here to extol the virtues of the d, and the torque, FC, performance and what-nots that you have already correctly pointed out.

Good luck with your search.

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