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Club Guest
Jul 22, 2010
hello all, you can call me NJB. i'm new here in all senses, i.e. knowledge, experience etc. at the moment i'm driving a family car. looking for a classic E30 as my first ride - my dream car since owning the toy E30 RC car back in primary school. i look forward to be a part of this group and thank u for welcoming me here.introductory infoi'm driving 1998 1.3l perodua kembara.i'm 100% male.picture? maybe later.i'm staying in bdr baru bangi. working in subang.i'm in energy/environmental/green consultancy.i came to know about this club from the internet.i knew about this club since about early this year when i started to think "hey, it's about the bloody time i own my own car."i'm hoping to learn more about bmw - owning it, taking care of it and spread the love.in the next 1-2 years, i'm expecting bmwclubmalaysia to be a great one stop portal for bmw enthusiasts - where knowledge is abundant and the mutual love for a great ride is shared. if it is already now, maybe a nice sticker would be nice. in the next 2-3 years, i will own and still have my nice E30. thanks to the advice and recommendation by the club experts. we'll talk about E92 later.cheers.-NJB-
hello. once acquired, an E92 is easier on the wallet than E30. think hard. think very hard.
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