Guess What I've seen today...!!??

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flash said:
2 days back, a silver-coloured WMV 3 BMW overtook me at full blast from Jalan Kuching joining Jalan Duta. Not sure if it is the real deal M3 but it sure sounded like it. Orgasm.... but the driver was weaving in and out of the traffic:mad: .

it could be adliz's car....his plate also is W** 111 and its silver
nikazwaa said:
Oooppss... my bad...

Oki, next time I will make use of my SLOTH as a moving chicane and slow that car down so that I can have a closer look and take a photo of it....:D
hehehe i know where all this stuff is!!! haha...there are tons more things that he hasnt shown. :)
For E34..Yum yum



Go TOYOTA go.... well, Toyota living up to its reliability....:D

Sith, was it dropping any parts behind?

But seriously, sigh, that car should be off the road. Where is the enforcement?

sithwarrior said:
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